Monday, May 10, 2010

Two Men On Me, Who Do I Choose?

Dear Agatha,

I am in my mid 20s and have just finished my service year. In my final year at the university, I fell in love with a young and unmarried lecturer. To be candid he is the first man that has touched me that deeply. But one thing I noticed about him is that he is your everyday Casanova. There is no time I went into his office that I didn’t meet a woman. Even though he usually goes out of his way to explain to the girls my relationship with him, it has not stopped the girls from congregating in his office.

Even at his house the situation is not different from what happens in the office. Whenever I go to visit him, the girls are there. Despite the fact that none of them has been rude to me, it is however a situation I am not finding funny.

During my service year, I became involved with another man I met at the place of my assignment. Though a father of a child he had at secondary school, he is one of’ those dependable men every woman needs in her life. From the very day I met him, he told me about his former relationships and how he was winding own his current one. I discovered from my interactions with people in the office that the reason he gave for wanting to terminate the relation was not exaggerated at all. The lady in question happens to be more than a social drinker. She drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney. She is also a careless person, a woman who thinks if it is right for the man to do it, a woman too can do it.

Since I didn’t want any embarrassment and didn’t want to lie, I opened up to him about my own relationship. I didn’t tell him the problem I was having with my boyfriend.

We started out as friends, until I discovered, like him, I felt something deeper. Before long we went into a relationship despite the knowledge of our existing relationships. I discovered he is a caring man, sensitive to my moods and someone I could really talk to. With him, I don’t have to do any extra work on my looks. He is very matured in his way of thinking. When my elder sister came for a visit and met with him, she told me to go for him that he would make a wonderful husband.

Recently I met with the mother of his child, now married. She confided her regrets at not marrying him and pleaded with me not to allow him seep through my fingers.

He has proposed marriage, but told me to keep my reply until I sorted myself out with my other boyfriend. I have met his parents and his only sister; they are all good and happy that at last he is thinking of settling down.

Agatha, I don’t know what to do. My other boyfriend too is beginning to talk about marriage and has promised to stop the horde of women coming into his office and home.

I love both men in a different way. While my lecturer boyfriend is the breezy and impulsive type, this other man is a more staid person. He is not impulsive; rather he likes to consider his options before making a decision. He says he cannot take unnecessary risks because he has a responsibility to his son and now me to consider, making too risky ventures a no go area.

I am confused because a part of me is reckless while a greater part of me wants something very solid.

Without telling me, the second man bought me shares in one of the now leading banks and even encouraged me to invest my allowances on shares.

Please help me make the right decision and how to ease myself out of the other relationship without pains to the man I am leaving. 


Dear Lillian,

It would be very difficult for me to make the decision for you, but I would point you to the qualities that would help you arrive at a decision.

There are so many things required to make a marriage work. Love is just a little bit of it. The most important is friendship. Whereas love remembers a slight and keeps record of wrong doings, friendship doesn’t. Your best friend is the one person that can tell you the truth, who can see all your worst doing and still considers you to be the best person on earth. 

Whereas friendship understands that no one is perfect, love believes everything should be perfect. This is the inherent difference between love and friendship. 

It is only a friend that would see you without teeth, falling hair, wrinkled skin, a protruded stomach, flat chest and still considers you to be the most beautiful person in the world.

It is only a friend that would love you when it is impossible for others to do. A good friend would know when you are happy, sad, look out for your interest and give you encouragement to succeed when others are unwilling to take such risks on you.

A good friend would do everything to protect you from hurt and desist from doing those things that would continue to cause you pains.

A true friend’s love is unconditional and freely given.

Which of these men fit the bill of a true friend; the one who has a stable character to shoulder your emotions, listen to your inner cries for help? Those kinds of cries you expect your loved one to detect without you framing the words. Which of these two men would stay with you when the first sign of wrinkle comes and that supple and shapely body of yours becomes sag? 

Which one is most ready to forgive you a mistake; provide you with the most dependable shoulders to lean on physically and emotionally? There is no marriage without problems but which of them are likely to have the least problems with? Which one is more Godly, friendly, sincere, patient, stable, tolerant, responsible, respectful, supportive and caring?

You are the only one with the answers. If you were ever truthful with yourself, you would know which of these men would make the best husband for you.

Go to God in prayers for help in arriving at the best decision, one that you would be happy with for the rest of your life. Trust God to give you the best of the two men before you and if God Himself makes the decision for you, He would tell you how to go about the problem of leaving the other guy without bitterness.

Good luck.

She Can’t Adjust To Relationship Rules

Dear Agatha, 

I have a girlfriend I love very much. She recently called to break up with me on the ground that she wasn’t ready for the sacrifices a relationship entailed. I don’t know what to do now.

Worried Guy.

Dear Worried Guy, 

Respect her wish to be left alone. You can’t force her to develop feelings or compassion for you. If nothing else, learn to respect her honesty. She has told you precisely what her handicaps are. The choice is yours to either move forward and find happiness in the arms of another woman ready to make the sacrifices for love or insist on getting hurt by someone who has told you she cannot do what you expect from her. 

The truth is not that she cannot make the sacrifice love requires, but she cannot make it for you. She simply hasn’t found that special reason in you and the relationship she has with you to make that kind of sacrifice. 

Give it to her, not many women would be that blunt with you. Instead of feeling bad, appreciate her because she has provided you with every reason to gauge yourself as a man aspiring to be married one day. 

There is a huge difference between being in love and being able to make the necessary sacrifices that go with it. What she wants from you isn’t the obligations that go with what she feels for you, rather contented with staying on the fringes. It takes more than what she is willing to offer to make a relationship work. 

As a man you need a woman who understands you, willing to help you make something out of nothing, who will provide you with strong shoulders to lean on when the outside forces become hostile, who will support your dreams spiritually and physically. Unless a woman has the determination to help her man make it in life, the man would find himself working in vain to make ends meet. 

Therefore you should thank God for making this happen and freeing you from any obligations to her. A wise man in your shoes would turn to God for help in getting another woman who has the fear of God and the right focus you need to succeed to replace her. 

One thing is for a woman to have a vision, while another thing is for her to have the right vision for the man in her life. This is what you should pray for, a woman who has the right vision to match your own dream in life. 

Good luck. 

He Wages Cold War For Not Visiting Him At Home

Dear Agatha, 

I’m so much happy at the way you treat issues. I also hope that mine will be solved too. I’m 20 years of age in one of the Nigerian higher institutions and in love with a 29-year-old graduate for over two years.

Things were okay between us until the beginning of this year when his behaviour towards me started to change. This has decreased the number of times he calls me to twice a week unlike before when his calls were twice a day. 

When I demanded for explanations he didn’t have any to give and since the beginning of last month, I have been the one doing all the calls. 

Being in school, I hardly have time to honour his several invitations that I come over to his house, a development he sees as an excuse to conceal the fact, his opinion, of the presence of another man in my life. I have tried explaining my reasons for not having enough time for him, but he won’t listen. 

Things are so bad between us that he neither calls nor picks my calls again. And when he does, maybe out of mistake he tells me he is busy. I sent my cousin to ask him what I had done wrong. He told her I didn’t do anything but that he has been very busy too. 

Agatha, please tell me what to do since I am losing concentration in my studies. I also want to know if I should continue with him or not. 


Dear Peace, 

Sincerely, there is nothing to this. What I see is a misunderstanding of your situations. He wants to see more of you while you want to concentrate more on your studies. He thinks as his girlfriend, his interest must top your agenda and that not coming to him when he wants your company is a signal that there is someone else in your life distracting you from having time for him. 

He needs you to explain to him properly why you don’t seem to have enough time for him. He may have passed through the process you are going through with your studies, you still need him to understand that this is when you need him the most, to support, counsel and guide you to attaining tremendous success in your learning.

Relationship strives best on effective communication. He has to know that at all times you have his interests at heart whether you have the time or not to see him.

Refusing to call or respond to your text messages is a subtle attempt at making you realise his displeasure as well as press home his point that two can play a game of indifference. Unfortunately, in this kind of game, love and your relationship is the victim. 

Find time if you can to go to him. There is no sacrifice too high to make for love. If you truly love this man, make time out to resolve the issue to avoid regrets in life. There is never a smooth journey or one that doesn’t necessitate a measure of self-sacrifice, patience and determination to make it work. You need him just as he needs you if your over two years relationship is to move beyond the point it is now. 

It also shows that you two have to address critical issues you have in the past ignored as a dating couple. This requires absolute honestly and commitment to make things work. In achieving this, you must first of all critique your relationship in the last two years. Are you both satisfied with the progress? Has it met your aspirations? What value has it added to the lives of both of you? What do you find most interesting about him and what do you dislike the most in him? What would like changed in this relationship?

Some of your repressed disappointment may actually come from dissatisfaction with the way both of you have conducted the relationship, hence your need to make the necessary move to reconcile your obvious differences.

If both of you have made the mistake of elevating sex to the detriment of all the other aspects of a relationship, then it is time to reconsider your priorities because those things are what can make your relationship work. Important as sex is, you must first lay the right foundations for sex to be meaningful. The truth is you cannot use sex to replace effective communication and friendship in a relationship. You must first be friends to grow the much-needed trust to move a relationship into its right port. 

The issue you are having with your man bothers on trust. It is only after you go to him to talk that you can make up your mind on what to do.

Good luck.    

I Have Feminine Qualities

Dear Agatha

Thanks for being there for


I am a 15-year-old student of Federal Government College, Ilorin.

My story is a long and pathetic one that I fear time won’t allow me to fully share my problem with you as I would have liked to. But Agatha, the summary of it is that I behave like a girl instead of the boy I am meant to be and worst of it is that I have a bent neck. It makes me a sorry sight. I am seriously thinking of committing suicide. I am tired of this life.


 Dear Abdulmajeed,

You don’t have to kill yourself because life is worth a living. God did not make a mistake in the way he created you. Look beyond your physical limitations and value all the good things God has blessed you with.

A lot of the time the things we place much premium on are actually those things that do not matter. We place so much worth on appearance than what God has embedded in us. God is Mr. Perfect Himself so if He created you with some deformity, it is because He has a reason to.

What are those areas you excel in? Discover them and use them to your advantage in life. There are many examples of successful physically challenged people around. They are living and shaming the so-called physically perfect people with their astonishing success. They didn’t throw in the towel by contemplating suicide. Rather than feel sorry for themselves like you are doing, they challenged their situation and story with that special thing God in His wisdom deposited in them.

Because God knows that your special form needs an additional special talent to sail through life with ease, in His wisdom, He must have invested in you what people with no deformity lack. But if you persist in your self pity, you will never discover what it is because pity has a way of robbing one of sense of perception and direction. You must have both senses working well to unlock the key to your special gift from God.

By the time you discover that special something in you and turn it round into a goldmine, those that today are making fun of you or have rejected you would be the first set of human beings to identify with you. Go to God in prayers for His direction and leading. As for your feminine tendency, it is a psychological problem that needs expert handling. Go to a specialist hospital, perhaps a government hospital nearest to you and request to see a clinical psychologist.

If you refuse to be put down by the attitude of others, nobody can put you down. Always have it at the back of your mind that you are too important to God to be ignored by men. In His presence you are precious and of too much value.

Suicide would not only disappoint God, but make you lose what is important at the end of the day – God’s blessing He took time to invest in you. If you learn to treat yourself with dignity, people will treat you with dignity, but if you allow them to see pity in your eyes, chances are they will always strive to put you down.

Good luck.

My Hips Attract Many Men

Dear Agatha, 

Let me start by thanking God for using you to help others.

Agatha, I am 18 years of age with big hips. I want to know if it is bad or natural? My hips are so enormous that men cannot resist approaching me on daily basis. It is very embarrassing.

To be frank, I am tired of all these unnecessary attention my hips attract.

A lot of people attribute it to excessive sex. Is it true? Is it natural for a young girl like me to sprout such excessive hips? Is there anything medically wrong with me? I am shy whenever I leave my house. It is made more obvious because I am of an average height. Help me to avoid these embarrassments.


Dear Vivian,

I honestly cannot understand why you are embarrassed by what a lot of women would give anything to have. Excessive sex is not a direct or remote cause of excessive hips rather it is in the genes.

If the female children in your family are wide-hipped, there is nothing you can do to prevent it. However there is a way out - exercises. Not that it would prevent them from being obvious, but it would help moderate their spread.

Do exercises that focus on the hips; though difficult to trim, the right kinds of exercises can check excessive growth.

For an 18-year-old girl, cut down on your sexual urges and habits. Though it has nothing to do with the issue at hand, it is in your interest to apply caution because it could have been a serious sexually transmitted disease that is your bother, so learn to be careful. There is so much to gain from abstinence as a young girl than what you are getting from the act now. There is always plenty of time for you to make the right choice of what is good for you.

Go to any exercise shop gymnasium for more information and professional counsel on what would work for you and the kinds of knowledge or equipment that would get you closer to the kinds of hips you want.

Good luck.