Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Any Sure Remedy To Wet Dreams?

Dear Agatha,

There is this problem I am currently facing and don’t know how to get out from. I always have wet dream up to five times in a month to the extent my sperm has became watery and one of my testis is as tiny as beans. I don't know if there is any remedy for it like drug or food I can use to increase my sperm count. I have prayed to God for divine deliverance but the problem has persisted.


Dear Vidic,

God gave doctors the wisdom to cure. He only steps in the situation when doctors have given up hope. When doctors’ report predicts hopelessness, not in a situation where you haven’t even seen a doctor to examine you, diagnose what the problem is with you. It is when the world fails to find a cure that God steps in to demonstrate His awesomeness. There is no way a student who fails to prepare for an examination would pray to God, expecting miracles to happen just like that. So, asking God for abstracts won’t work. This isn’t an exercise for faith, but that of facing reality. You have a medical condition, which doctors can treat easily.

Doctors didn’t get their knowledge from the devil. They got it from God, like they always tell you theirs is to cure while God does the healing.

God isn’t a magician. He doesn’t work that way. So, you first have to go and see a doctor whose gift from God is to help put a name and find a cure to our medical problems.

Wet dreams aren’t so much of an issue even though in some cases, it shows the presence of psychological problem somewhere.

But there is no way you can be sure your sperm is watery or that the size of your testis has any negative effect unless you subject yourself to the expert knowledge of a trained mind.

Doctors don’t bite. Go to any government hospital near you and tell them your medical problem. This is a pure medical problem, one that I don’t have answers for.

The danger of waiting is the chances of you accruing avoidable complications in your health condition. Don’t delay because it could have very damaging effects. If you can’t go alone, get a friend to accompany you to the hospital, especially if have phobia for hospitals like me.

You will, at least, know what you are up against by the time the doctor examines you.

This is not to say you shouldn’t pray, but it is good you know what you are asking God for. Go to the doctors for the cure and allow God to do the healing. God works perfectly with nature. He gave the knowledge and wisdom to each of us to glorify His name. Going to see a doctor doesn’t make you less of a Christian or doubtful of God’s awesomeness.

Good luck.

Extend Your Couselling Arsenal To The Masses, Please

Dear Agatha,

I give God the glory for your life, by using you to affect many lives positively in the world. Please I would love you to extended your columns as well as the talk you held last time at Airport Hotel to rural areas like villages, local towns, schools, markets and churches, because you can reach out more to many youths who need counselling there.

I made this plea as a result of many young boys and girls, who are out there and don’t care to read newspapers at all.

You must find a way of getting them to listen to the problems of their lives as well as solutions. It is important you and your management think of ways of helping these categories of Nigerians to live a more responsible life.

Worried Youth.

Dear Worried Youth,

Your concern is noted. We promise you that the next time the ••Just Before Valentine•• programme comes up it will be in one of the places you mentioned. Lack of funds denied the programme this year. If we get the right sponsors, we would hit the streets.

But the youths too should make the effort to read because our paper is well circulated and available in these places you have mentioned. They have to read the paper first to get the awareness for whatever programme this paper would be putting up for them. So, people like you also have the responsibility of creating the awareness and thirst in their hearts.


Lonely Heart

Dear Agatha,

God will favour you more than you ever hope and dream for, because of your selfless service to humanity. He won’t forget your own problems. May God fill your mouth with gratitude.

I am interested in establishing a relationship with a lady who must be God fearing, a good communicator, truthful, educated, a devoted Muslim between the ages of 20-28 years of age.

I reside in Lagos. Would appreciate SMS only to 07090146311 or an email to, ••hammeddaramola@yahoo.com••
