Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Pastor Husband Marries Second Wife

Dear Agatha,

I am a woman in deep pains and in the midst of the greatest embarrassment of my life. My husband is the pastor and general overseer of our church. Since he founded this church, he has been doing very well until he met this lady who joined the church. She works with an oil company while I teach. 

She has a lot of money to spend and before I knew what was happening she and my husband had become very close and a pair. Soon, people began to talk about them but I ignored them all, insisting that they were working towards the growth of the church.

When their relationship became very noticeable, I called my husband to intimate him with what people were saying about them but he told me not to worry, that the people were only jealous and that as a man of God he had a responsibility to all the sheep God directs his way.

The lady soon started buying him clothes. She even bought him a car. Gifts like these from members are not strange but this was different. She excluded the children and I from such benevolence and made sure that when it was time for me to address the women, she took the centre stage with, of course, the active support of my husband. 

Many of the women in the church could not understand what was happening. Some asked what her status in the church was; others gossiped about it. As a true Christian and mother of the church, I didn’t quarrel so as not to lay a bad example for other couples who looked up to me for solutions to their marital problems.

At home, my husband continued to deny any special affection for her. He kept insisting that she was close to him because of her role in the church. To underscore his point, he pointed out a number of women and men who were similarly close to him based on their roles in the church.

One day, she came home with him to announce that she was packing in as his second wife, and that they had done the traditional and court weddings. A copy of the marriage certificate was shown me to prove their seriousness. It was the saddest day of my life. If I thought the matter would end up like that I was wrong. The following Sunday at the service, she took her place on the altar as the wife of the general overseer. The children and I attended service as ordinary members. My shame was complete. 

The church immediately split into two. The women, especially the elderly ones queued behind me. A lot of the men were cautious. Only the very elderly ones showed open disapproval at what my husband had done. They tried to mediate but it was late as she was already pregnant.

Some members who couldn’t take it left the church but a lot stayed behind to watch the unfolding drama.

Now that she has given birth, my husband has threatened to throw me out. The woman and her people are threatening me with death if I don’t pack out. My husband doesn’t care about me anymore. His new wife has used her money to buy my husband and some prominent numbers of the church over. She gives out free clothes, shoes and bags to the youths in the church, and to families she suspects to be having problems, she gives financial aid.

I really don’t care but the genuine members are urging me to quit for the sake of my children. They are afraid that my husband is under a powerful spell and could hurt me before he comes to his senses.

Agatha, this is my dilemma. Do you think I should pack out of the house? I am deeply afraid for my life and those of my children. Each night, I wake up from terrible nightmare of a woman chasing me around with all sorts of charms and masquerades. It is not easy for me Agatha. People are mocking me. I am left with no will to fight anymore.


Dear Alaba,

When the going gets very tough, only the toughest survives. God is closer and nearer you than you think. He is only a moment away. He deliberately allows us go through the valley of’ the shadow of death for a purpose. 

Never forget his promise to always protect us with his rod and staff during our sojourn in this valley of pains and rejection. He did not promise us life without pains, problems or sorrows; rather, what makes us victors is how we handle issues.

This battle isn’t yours to fight but his to win; so hand over the battle of your love, home and life to the only power equipped to deal with your situation. Terrible as the situation may appear, don’t despair. Instead, be persistent in your worship of him. 

There is no way you won’t smile at the end of this battle between good and bad if you truly hand it over to him. Trust me; if you can withstand this intense heat, you will come out very refined. Most times when God has a job for us to do in his vineyard, he deliberately allows us to go through some experiences that would end up becoming rich references in our ministry. Experience, as they say, is the best teacher. Later in future, when someone comes to you with this type of problem, having weathered the storm yourself, you would use your experiences to minister to such a person. If God allowed Jesus Christ to be humiliated, who are we not to be in the process of working for him?

Don’t pack out of that house. It may not exactly be a home to you now but it is your place. From experiences, it is not easy fighting from outside. You are the rightful owner of the house, not the other woman. She is in transit in  your home and when it is time, she would pack and leave for her own final destination. The Bible is in support of your rights and position in that house. Don’t give in to fright, blackmail or threats. 

Let millions of masquerades chase you in your sleep. As a child of God, he will always give you victory over them. Never get tired of’ pleading the blood of Jesus over you and the children - that is more than enough shield in the field of battle.

This is the time you need the will most to fight. Agreed things are really bad but this is no time to give up. If there is nobody giving you encouragement, give yourself one. Go to God in prayers and fasting, challenge him, handover the battle to him and sit back to watch how he does it. Hand the heart and life of your husband to God. He needs a lot of prayers for his life and ministry. 

This battle is not about him, rather, it is about crippling his ministry. It is a battle beyond him and he needs your understanding to prevail over the situation he has unwittingly roped himself into. Chances are that he does not even know what he is doing or is happening to him. You are the only one who can deliver him from this journey of destruction he has embarked on. The devil is not a fair fighter. 

He uses everything and anything to fight. So, rather than wallow in the sea of self-pity, organise prayer sessions for him and those who still believe in his calling.

Difficult and bitter as this pill is, don’t fight, don’t insult your husband and please continue to maintain a dignified silence over the matter. Even when people come with stories, assure them that God is in charge of’ the matter. This is the time when silence is said to be golden. Face your embarrassment with a respectable silence and smile.

This storm would blow over sooner than you think.

God bless you. I wish you the very best of luck.

We Are Of Same Age

Dear Agatha,

I got to know this girl through my younger sister. They both attended the same school. We gradually got talking and soon became good friends. I got to know her very well and wanted her for keeps then but since I was due to for the National Youth Service, I decided against asking her out. Besides, I have never subscribed to this “sowing of wild oats” thing.

Last year, I came to town and she was around (on holiday). So, I made my intention known to her. Though, she didn’t give a clear idea of her feelings in words, her actions showed she too felt the same way about me and ever since we’ve been in touch with each other. 

But, recently, it occurred to me that this lady is about the same age as me. 

Though, I have not talked this over with her, I intend to. However, whenever she is around me I usually get scared of bringing up the matter for discussion for fear of what her response might be.

I have related this matter to a few of my friends but they have not helped me in anyway with any positive solution other than that it is unwise and un-African to continue with her. I really would love to settle down with this lady, hence my questions and the need of your advice.

Considering the African society we belong to, would it be okay for me to go ahead with the relationship?

Are there likely to be social implications in such a relationship later in life?

Is it true that ladies age quicker than men? I need to clear these worries before I discuss with her. Thank you.


Dear Ayo,

Love is all that matters. When contemplating the choice of a life partner, age is the least thing that makes it work provided the age gap is not such that leaves a deep gap. Being of the same age with your woman is not a treasonable felony.

What ought to be of paramount interests to you is your feelings for her, how she feels about you and the depth of your feelings for each other.

Many a time, we end up with the wrong choices because things that ought not to matter are the things we play up, relegating to the backburner those things that at the end of the day determine our depth of happiness and peace.

There are many successful couples that are either of the same age or the women involved are slightly older.

Age is just a number, which should not be allowed to determine our state of happiness. Look beyond her age and look at how good a wife she would make, how much respect she accords you as the man in the relationship, her level of responsibility, her spirituality, her outlook generally to life and her temperament. 

Look at the interests you both share. Is she somebody you can rely on through the thick and thin? What sort of friend would she be when things are rough? Would she be very understanding as expected of a true friend and wife? 

Do you see her as a fair weather friend who is ready to run at the slightest hint of a problem? Does she possess those qualities that would make life with her enduring?

These are more important things than age. What if she is of the age you desire, but lacking in the qualities that would make you a happy man or give you peace when you desire it the most?

The only implication is if you go about with a banner around your neck, telling everybody that you and your woman are of same age and that you don’t feel comfortable about it. Beyond that, there is no implication whatsoever.

That theory that women age faster than men worked when women didn’t know how to care for themselves. A lot of women these days are looking years younger than their ages because they now appreciate the value of healthy living habits. Besides, that argument is faulty because you could marry a younger lady who ends up looking far older than her true age.

Seek the face of God before embarking on any relationship because he only sees the end from the beginning. 

Good luck.

My Friend Courts Her Now

Dear Agatha,

I appreciate the way you proffer solutions to problems brought to you. I really want to thank you profusely.

I am an 18-year-old man in love with a girl who is also deeply in love with me. I discover that all of a sudden she stopped visiting me. When I asked to know what happened, she refused to say any thing. I kept pleading to know what I had done wrong but all to no avail. I even went to the extent of pleading for forgiveness in case I did something to hurt her, but nothing worked.

I therefore decided to go through her friends to plead my case. It was at this point I discovered that the reason she stopped coming to see me was because she was dating a friend of mine.

So, I went to confront her, but she tried to cover it up but opened up when I told her what her friends told me. I am confused and desperately in need of your help on what to do next.


Dear Andy,

At 18, you are too young to have sleepless nights over love matters. If I am correct, this girl would be at least a year younger than you. At your ages, you both should put more efforts and time on insuring your future through sound education. Stop bothering yourself over this relationship. You need not give immense time to matters of the heart but limited time to position your life in the direction it would be of immense benefit to you and family.

When the right time comes, God would send that special lady that would treat you like her king and accord you all the respect you deserve as the man in her life.

Meanwhile have all the best of luck in your educational pursuit.

Age Differential Stands Against Our Marriage

Dear Agatha,

I am a 27-year-old man in love with a 36-year-old lady. We are so much in love. We don’t have any secret between us. This is about the 

best relationship I have had till now, but the problem is that a lot of people are complaining she is older than me or too old to be my wife.

I am really confused about the whole situation at the moment. Agatha, this is a woman that has done so much for me.

When I met her, she was dating a man, but agreed to drop him for me if I insisted she did. In fairness to her, she did. There was a night we were together when the man came to visit her, right in my presence she told the man to go because she had found someone whom she loved so much and wouldn’t want to hurt.

Since we started dating, I have no reason to regret having her in my life. She has made me very happy but the pressure now is on me to leave her. I don’t want to because she has shown me she really loves me. Can I go ahead to marry despite being older than me? Advise me on what to do.

Da Capone.

 Dear Da Capone,

The most important thing is what you both feel for each other and, not what people say.

If you love her, please go ahead and marry her. It is your life, your future and happiness that matter not the opinion of those who aren’t in your shoes, hence those who don’t know what you are feeling. 

If you are not bothered about the differences in ages, don’t mind what others think. Marriage is a companionship of the soul, spirit and body. Only very few people understand that there is more to marriage than the physical. As long as she gives you the respect you deserve as her man and you don’t feel embarrassed by the relationship, tell those people urging you to leave her that you know what you want and what you are doing. 

This is because, it is the nature of people to talk and try to impose their opinions on others. Besides, this woman is looking up to you to give her the right kind of leadership she needs to continue to entrust her life and body to you. The moment she senses you cannot be trusted to be your own person, she would lose whatever respect she currently has for you. Even if you end up deciding in her favour, it is always difficult for a man to regain the lost respect of the woman in his life. 

Marriage is a serious business that involves two souls that understand, appreciate and love each other. If you are able to manage your union, age is just another number, not a factor. The bedrock of any successful marriage is how differences are managed with minimal fall-out. At this critical stage in your life, your happiness as defined by you is what matters not what others think it should be.

Very importantly, commit your relationship to God. His involvement is what makes the most difference. 

Good luck