Monday, August 24, 2009

My Firm Refuses To Accord Me Honour Of Promotion

Dear Agatha,

I have been working hard and diligently in my company for three years now but my efforts are not being recognised, promotion wise. Though I am a graduate, but placed as a junior staff. I have tried to resolve this with the management, but they don’t seem to care. What do I do?

Worried Worker.

Dear Worried Worker,

Nobody forced you into accepting the letter of employment that spelt out your position or emoluments at the end of each month. By agreeing to work under the conditions stipulated by your employers as conveyed through your letter of employment, you have forfeited the right to complain bitterly. What you can do now is to plead with reason and appeal to the management.

But, if you feel you are not being fairly treated by your management, begin to think of transferring your services to another company more disposed to giving you what you think you deserve.

There is no law that says you should stay put with your present employers. Doing so would only make you unhappy and result in low productivity.

Therefore, it is either you make up your mind to continue to tolerate the situation while you look for somewhere else or allow the situation get the better of you and get sacked in the process.

Many a time we have to do with what we have, and by learning to appreciate the grace of God in what we are doing, we end up being happier. Most employers aren’t ready to part with money due to prohibitive cost of production, so would resist any attempt by an employer to press for enhanced salary package.

You are not the only one in this position, believe me, there is nothing much you can do about it, because the high inflation rate in the country makes it an employers market.

Until something else comes up, concentrate on contributing your quota to the development of the company. Sometimes, it isn’t the salary we receive that makes the difference in our lives rather it is the grace of God upon what we do that counts.

Despite the challenges you are facing, learn to give your best. Often time, this works more than agitating for a better position or an improvement in one’s status. Employers too are smart enough to know when to invest on hardworking personnel in order not to lose that person’s services.

Make yourself almost indispensable to your employers by giving them your very best at all times.

Promotion comes only from God and the day He decides to do the miracle in your life, nobody, not even the owner or head of your outfit, will be able to prevent it from happening. That is the awesomeness of God, but until then give Him reason to bless you by giving your best to your employers.

Good luck.

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