Monday, August 2, 2010

Men’s superiority, a myth

Dear Readers, 

I decided to publish this piece sent in by one of my female readers who think my responses to certain issues on this page don’t do justice to the rights of women. Even though I have tried to explain to a lot of them that when it comes to relationships, facts are premium to be than the gender of the person, many of them still think I should be fairer to women than men. 

To underscore my impartiality, I am giving this category of women a chance to be heard through this piece sent in by Letitia Akinyemi. The aim is for us to learn from each other with the hope that it would affect our relationships positively. 


 Dear Agatha,

 Many people have this impression that we live in a man’s world, but I think differently not because I am a lady but because I know differently. Men have used this incorrect theory to exploit the women folk. Generations have also come to terms with this theory. I will start my point from the very beginning, but just before I start I have this very simple question to ask which is: why do the men keep arguing and debating they own the world? Have you ever heard women arguing who goes to the labour room? 

In the beginning when God created man, He saw that man will be lonely all by himself, so He created the woman. Note that she wasn’t formed from the man’s foot bone or from his head, but from his rib (his side) to be his equal not superior or inferior to him. Do you believe that men actually see this as an opportunity to abuse women? If only they knew that animals were created before them.

Another important topic is that of procreation. I do think men are to be treated as small-gods, because God who is the ultimate creator and who knows best didn’t give this important role to the men instead, He gave this role to the women. He chose not to keep creating humans instead made the woman to take care of that, as a matter of fact, God did not rest until He created the woman. What else do they need? 

Oh please spare me the apple gist. The truth is that while Adam was busy sleeping, Eve got deceived by the serpent. Since men are so wise, why did Adam collect the apple from Eve? In the first place he was the one that God told about the consequences of eating from that tree of life. That is to tell you that anyone can be deceived. After eating the apple and probably enjoying it, he tried to put the blame on the woman when asked by God. As a man, he should have taken responsibility for the action. I hear men saying these days if they were the one, they wouldn’t have fallen for that. Let’s face it there are still Eves in our society today handing out apples, how many of them are able to resist? How many of them are able to resist blaming other people for their wrongs? 

Men in leadership positions are all expected to marry before they can be taken seriously. At the end of the day they get back to their wives to seek opinions and I mean the real men. Because they know that they can only get the real and undiluted advice from their wives and not from people who are only looking for favours. Whenever there is a problem at home, especially with the wife, the man becomes disoriented wherever he is and also the woman too, meaning they owe each other the duty to be together. Show me a good- looking man and I will show you a good mother or wife. 

WEEK: Women’s Education Ends in the Kitchen. That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Which woman needs to go to school to learn how to cook or wash dishes or even give birth? Go to schools, and you will find that women are at the top of the class when it comes to education, while men are busy being men on the field i.e. they are always top when it comes to sports. Surprisingly, some women let this ridiculous theory get to them, they actually let their education end in the kitchen. Such women deserve life imprisonment, since they do not like their lives or don’t have a purpose for living. 

In most marriages, women are actually treated as slaves or better still exploited. You see a woman who takes care of six children all alone, if in the rural areas, she will go to the farm, get back,  take care of the children and her home, make food for her husband who is off to God knows where. Yet he comes back to complain about something the woman couldn’t do or didn’t do right. It is so unfair. While men of the urban areas probably go off to work, you see busy moms here and there working hard to help her home. At evening when every one is meant to be home and making each other happy, the men prefer to spend such time with their girlfriends or in a beer parlour. This applies to both rural and urban men. These types of men deserve serious beating. 

The issue of getting babies or not getting babies is a thing that applies to both the man and the woman. Some women are actually beaten, disgraced or sent out because they have not given birth to babies. Too many children, no male child or no female child whereas, a man can go as far as marrying three to four wives under the pretext of looking for a male child who would inherit him. 

Conclusion: I am not trying to say that the woman is all perfect, but that they should be treated equally as men, not used as tools, but as opportunities to be handled with respect and love.

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