Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Extend Your Couselling Arsenal To The Masses, Please

Dear Agatha,

I give God the glory for your life, by using you to affect many lives positively in the world. Please I would love you to extended your columns as well as the talk you held last time at Airport Hotel to rural areas like villages, local towns, schools, markets and churches, because you can reach out more to many youths who need counselling there.

I made this plea as a result of many young boys and girls, who are out there and don’t care to read newspapers at all.

You must find a way of getting them to listen to the problems of their lives as well as solutions. It is important you and your management think of ways of helping these categories of Nigerians to live a more responsible life.

Worried Youth.

Dear Worried Youth,

Your concern is noted. We promise you that the next time the ••Just Before Valentine•• programme comes up it will be in one of the places you mentioned. Lack of funds denied the programme this year. If we get the right sponsors, we would hit the streets.

But the youths too should make the effort to read because our paper is well circulated and available in these places you have mentioned. They have to read the paper first to get the awareness for whatever programme this paper would be putting up for them. So, people like you also have the responsibility of creating the awareness and thirst in their hearts.


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