Monday, June 22, 2009

Any Spiritual, Health Hazard In Masturbating?

Dear Agatha,

I am 23 years of age and a student. I do masturbate, because it helps me reduce sexual upset, but I am worried about the alarm of the so-called disadvantages of the act spiritually, psychologically, and socially. I take them as false because I do not belief in them. I can still think well, pray well, and do things well. I have been masturbating for two year now.

Please enlighten me about this situation. Is there any spiritual, physical, psychological, mental or emotional effect in masturbating? Is it good or bad to do it? If there are any negative effects, please advise me on how to run away from it.


Dear Musa,

I decided to pair your letter with this one to expose you to the likely dangers of over dependence on masturbation.

The issue raised by the Anxious Man typifies problems that challenge most men or women that are addicted to masturbation face later in life. This is by far out-weighs the so-called benefits associated with the act.

While the act for a while may give relief, protect against the dangers of indiscriminate sex, it could also affect the normal man-woman relationship by robbing the man of his confidence to make love with a woman.

Much as I won’t pretend it is an adult, most adults, especially males have engaged in one time or the other in their lives, and moderation is the key. Learn to moderate your addiction to it to prevent a real life threatening health problem later in your marriage.

As for the spiritual, naturally the Bible and other religious books frown at it because it negates the principle of God. The Bible is clear, the body is the temple of God, and should be so treated. When we indulge in the act of masturbation, it is assumed that the temple has been violated. Sex is something that should be done between a man and woman. When a man or woman masturbates, it is assumed he or she is making love to him or herself, a deviation from the rule of God.

Any thing done outside the laws of God are immoral and could bring about a spiritual consequence on the offender’s life.

That is as far as the spiritual angle goes.

The same goes for the social aspect, which is why nobody discusses his or her recourse to it when the emotional circumstances demand for it.

Good luck.

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