Monday, February 16, 2009

Can Woman Lose Virginity Without Sex?

Dear Agatha,

Some years ago, I noticed some white substances coming from my private part. Worried, I dipped my finger inside my person just to get rid of the white substance only for me to see blood later coming out of my virginal. Could that mean the loss of my virginity?

Another problem is whenever I shave my pubic hair; I usually develop boils on my private part. What cream can I use to get rid of the boils? I am 15 years of age.


Dear Princess,

The virginal is never without secretion at any particular time. Secretions in the virginal are defined by the woman's monthly cycle or her nature.

Common colours are grayish white or clear. The cells come from the vaginal lining and fluid from the vagina and the cervix. It often gets thin at mid cycle of the menses because the cervical mucous is thin and copious if ovulation has taken place.

In the second semester of the cycle it becomes thickened and sometimes clumpy under the effect of progesterone. These are all normal mechanisms to help a woman become pregnant at the mid cycle time of ovulation. It is also to bar the cervix in the second half of the cycle so that if a pregnancy occurs, there won't be any infection that might occur through the virginal.

If the cervical mucous is clear or white, not yellowish, there usually is not an infection that needs treatment. Your milky white discharge is normal. It represents cervical and vaginal secretions that contain old vaginal wall cells.

Provided there is no vulvar burning or itching, there is nothing to worry about.

There is the likelihood that if you inserted your fingers too deep into your virginal, you may have broken your hymen, a very fragile mucous that covers the virginal. It could get broken through tough exercises or through the use of a tampon. Once this seal is broken, some people assume a woman is no longer a virgin, but technically you are still a virgin because no man has penetrated your body, which means your passage is still intact.

But since the blood is the only physical evidence a lot of men use in classifying who is a virgin or not, make sure you tell any man you intend getting married to the truth concerning the state of your body. It pays to prepare the mind of the man so he doesn't think you deliberately lied to him about being a virgin when the evidence of your body says you are not. But if he was told from the beginning about the development that led to the broken seal, he would understand.

As for the boils, these are normal occurrence when some people shave with blades or shaving sticks. You can terminate them by soaking spirit in cotton wool and dabbing it over the surface of your pubic area. The alcohol in the spirit helps to prevent any infection that might have come from exposing the hair roots to common bacteria. Spirit not only disinfects the exposed hair roots but also helps to seal it up immediately, therefore preventing any possibility of infection.

Using hair removing cream helps prevent boils. Go to any chemist and ask for any feminine hair removing cream. There are lots of brands in the market and they are all good.

Good luck.

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