With Auntie Agatha, gataedo@yahoo.com, agatha.edo@gmail.com , Tel: 08054500626
Dear Agatha,
Last year I met and fell in love with one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Her beauty was enough for me. Against the advice of my family and friends, I broke off my 8-year-old relationship with my former girlfriend and married my new love precisely a month after I broke it off.
My mother didn’t bother to attend the wedding. She told me I would end up regretting my decisions to break off my old relationship as well as the haste in marrying my woman.
Almost immediately after our wedding she announced that she was pregnant. I was very happy at the development.
During the pregnancy I did everything to make her happy, irrespective of my mother’s opinion that I have been duped. She began this line of argument when I informed her that my wife was pregnant. She told me right there and then that the pregnancy wasn’t mine; that the lady I think is a saint was already pregnant before our wedding night. I told her it wasn’t possible that I met her a virgin.
Although there was no blood but she was tight as if making love for the first time. It was actually what made me make up my mind about her. She explained the lack of blood on the kinds of exercises she does to stay trim.
Less than six months into our marriage, she went into labour. She told me it was premature, but when I got to the hospital, the baby wasn’t in the tube as I had expected. When I asked her why the baby wasn’t in the tube, she said the baby was big, hence the doctor didn’t think it necessary for the baby to be in the incubator.
I had no reason to doubt her, but when my mother came to the hospital to see the baby, she insisted the baby was full term. She would have dragged me to the doctor to confirm but for the intervention of my elder sister who said we should keep our family secrets to ourselves.
Up till that point, I really thought my mother was out to make trouble, hence dismissed her claims. It wasn’t until the naming ceremony that I began to suspect something was wrong somewhere. There was this particular man that came with her friends.
He also came with a group of his friends and sat in a corner all by himself. They came with their own drinks and food. His friends were busy congratulating him and I noticed that they were all very familiar with my wife and even referred to her as their wife.
I also noticed that the man and his friends performed what looked like a naming ceremony when she took the baby to them. It was so obvious that others too noticed it because people began to talk.
It was actually my 10-year-old niece, who made the innocent observation that, my baby and this man looked very much alike. And when I looked closer, I discovered to my shock the baby was his carbon copy.
I felt humiliated and deflated because my whole family and friends noticed the resemblance between this man and my so-called child.
When I threatened to kill her later, she told me the truth about her life. She told me that the baby isn’t mine and that she used lime and alum to wash to make me think she is a virgin.
She said she decided to marry me because her lover is a married man, but whose wife cannot give him a child due to an abortion they did while in school that went wrong.
It is for this reason he cannot divorce his wife. Besides the wife’s father is well connected in the presidency and must not know about his illegitimate child else he would be thrown back into the streets where he belongs.
Now the proposition is that I keep the baby for him while he rewards me with juicy contracts until it is safe for him to take mother and child with him.
The implication is that I don’t have a marriage any more. I cannot divorce her while the contract between the man and me lasts. What do I do Agatha?
Should I go back to my ex who is still single to plead with her for patience or tell the man I am not interested in what he has to offer me; that he should take my wife and his son away from my home?
I am so confused about everything. Meanwhile my family is insisting she leaves my house with her baby immediately. Your help is urgently needed.
Dear Olawale,
You are the only one that can determine what you want for yourself. From the tone of your letter and your line of thoughts, you appear to lack the depth needed to be thorough in crucial decision-making.
Honestly, there is no help anyone can offer you, but the one you give yourself. Having made a fine mess of your life, you appear set to make another one because of the money involved.
If you weren’t who you are, this other man would not have the guts to make such a proposition to you nor would the woman and her child stay in your house after that show of shame. But because you lack the kind of character and ability to stay focused on what you have at hand, you will continue to make terrible mistakes.
The issue now is beyond what is happening to you. It is more a matter of you sitting down to properly plan your life. Had you done that, you would have been able to detect something wasn’t right about your new woman from the beginning as well as resist her beauty.
You would have known that there is more to a person than beauty or riches. You would have investigated more the reactions of your friends and family. It is one thing for a mother to be against the woman of choice of her son, but a different matter when friends too oppose one’s choice. You should have asked your mother more probing questions on why she thinks you have been duped.
If she didn’t oppose your former relationship wth your ex, you should have been curious to know why she was so vehement against your current choice.
At that point, you should have tarried a little bit and not allow her to rush you into a marriage you werent prepared for.
Granted there is nothing you can do about your past mistake, but you can do a lot about your current situation if you want to live a normal life again.
Yes, this man has promised you juicy contracts, but has refused to say when he would come for his woman and child. Until he does, you will never be able to marry or move on with your life. So, telling your ex to wait for you is needless. Even if she agrees to come back to you, for how long do you expect her to be patient and wait for you to untangle yourself from the maze you unwittingly walked into?
What do you really have to offer her? Deep down would you have considered her at all if things worked for you and this other woman? If you didn’t have any considerations dumping her after eight years of courtship, what makes you think she would be willing to take you back after her humiliations and emotional pains suffered when you walked away from her to marry another woman?
Feelings are not like taps that you can turn on and off, as you like. If you ever loved this woman don’t go back to her. Doing so would only mess things more for you and everyone concerned. In the first place, you are still a married man under the law, which means you are not free to promise any woman anything. Deep down do you think it would be fair to subject her to this kind of life? Had you something good and promising to offer her, she may consider and forgive you of your past mistake, but to go to her when you have nothing to give her is asking too much of a woman you have hurt so deeply.
Stay away from her and allow her meet and marry a man who truly loves and respects her. You had your chance with her and made your choice.
It would be in your final interest to reject the insulting offer made you by this man. No matter the money involved, it cannot compare to your integrity as a man. At this junction in your life, it is important for you to firm and resolute to avoid living a life of regrets and failures.
Tell him you are not interested; that he has the option of taking his child and the mother out of the country. They have a better chance of staying going unnoticed there. Someone is bound some day to find about the similarities between your purported son and the man in question. By then you would also be a target for the woman and her family.
Quietly apply for a divorce to give you the chance to another life. If you have this determination, nothing stops you from going to ask your former girlfriend for forgiveness but this can only happen if you have something positive to offer her.
You really need the grace and help of God to resist the force of money and beauty to make the right choice with your life. So go to Him in prayers.
Good luck.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
She wants her virginity till wedding night…
With Auntie Agatha,gataedo@yahoo.com, agatha.edo@gmail.com,Tel: 08054500626
Dear Agatha,
Am a regular reader of your column, may God bless you more as you continue in your work.
There is this problem, which has been giving me considerable concerns for sometime now. It has to do with my girlfriend who is refusing to sleep with me. She is 19 while I am 23 years of age. We have been together for about two years and five months now.
Each time we discuss the subject, she disagrees and says she will find it difficult to stop once we get started. In addition, she says she wants to keep her virginity for her wedding night.
Agatha, I am afraid of losing this girl because I love her so much. I don’t know what to do. She does not like me talking to any girl each time she pays me a visit. Please tell me what to do.
Ebere Obi.
Dear Ebere Obi,
What is the real problem here? The fear of losing her to another man without you having sex with her, or her refusal to have sex with you?
From where I stand, this letter calls to question your claims about loving her. If you really love this lady, you should trust and give her the necessary support to be who she is.
She has told you, she cannot marry sex with other things now; it is a very honest answer. She is giving it as a condition for you to marry her. All she is saying is that you should allow her be, she wants to hold on until her wedding night. If truly you love her and want to marry her, why are you then in such a hurry?
If you don’t stop putting pressure on her, you actually risk losing her to a man more understanding and appreciative of whom she is than you.
Besides, at 23, do you have what it takes to be a father, as she could get pregnant from her first experience? One thing is to desire sex another thing is to be prepared for the responsibilities that go with it. Do you have the financial wherewithal to support mother and child while still holding on to your own dreams?
At 19, she is just emerging from the cocoon of her teenage years and protection of her parents. She would naturally want time to know what freedom is. This is the kernel of her fear. She has to know what she wants to know – the direction to go. You are lucky to have a woman who is this deep. Not many girls her age realise that sex is a huge distraction to one’s dream and focus. That she is able to realise this early in life, shows a young woman who is matured and has value for herself.
You would do well to allow be. It is the only way this kind of lady will respect and honour you. Importantly, you must learn to trust her completely especially as you haven’t caught her in an act that which suggests she is lying to you about her virginity or interest in you.
As long as you don’t have any ulterior motive concerning this relationship, don’t have the plans to abandon her after you have a taste of her, learn to take each day as it comes in this relationship. If God says you two are meant to be together, nobody would come between the two of you.
Good luck.
Dear Agatha,
Am a regular reader of your column, may God bless you more as you continue in your work.
There is this problem, which has been giving me considerable concerns for sometime now. It has to do with my girlfriend who is refusing to sleep with me. She is 19 while I am 23 years of age. We have been together for about two years and five months now.
Each time we discuss the subject, she disagrees and says she will find it difficult to stop once we get started. In addition, she says she wants to keep her virginity for her wedding night.
Agatha, I am afraid of losing this girl because I love her so much. I don’t know what to do. She does not like me talking to any girl each time she pays me a visit. Please tell me what to do.
Ebere Obi.
Dear Ebere Obi,
What is the real problem here? The fear of losing her to another man without you having sex with her, or her refusal to have sex with you?
From where I stand, this letter calls to question your claims about loving her. If you really love this lady, you should trust and give her the necessary support to be who she is.
She has told you, she cannot marry sex with other things now; it is a very honest answer. She is giving it as a condition for you to marry her. All she is saying is that you should allow her be, she wants to hold on until her wedding night. If truly you love her and want to marry her, why are you then in such a hurry?
If you don’t stop putting pressure on her, you actually risk losing her to a man more understanding and appreciative of whom she is than you.
Besides, at 23, do you have what it takes to be a father, as she could get pregnant from her first experience? One thing is to desire sex another thing is to be prepared for the responsibilities that go with it. Do you have the financial wherewithal to support mother and child while still holding on to your own dreams?
At 19, she is just emerging from the cocoon of her teenage years and protection of her parents. She would naturally want time to know what freedom is. This is the kernel of her fear. She has to know what she wants to know – the direction to go. You are lucky to have a woman who is this deep. Not many girls her age realise that sex is a huge distraction to one’s dream and focus. That she is able to realise this early in life, shows a young woman who is matured and has value for herself.
You would do well to allow be. It is the only way this kind of lady will respect and honour you. Importantly, you must learn to trust her completely especially as you haven’t caught her in an act that which suggests she is lying to you about her virginity or interest in you.
As long as you don’t have any ulterior motive concerning this relationship, don’t have the plans to abandon her after you have a taste of her, learn to take each day as it comes in this relationship. If God says you two are meant to be together, nobody would come between the two of you.
Good luck.
My girls have other men in their lives…
With Auntie Agatha,gataedo@yahoo.com, agatha.edo@gmail.com,Tel: 08054500626
Dear Agatha,
I love your response to issues. I am a regular reader of your column. I am in need of a quick answer on a challenge I am facing before I do something very wrong.
I am a boy of 23 years of age and a student of a Nigerian University. My challenge is that at my age, I don’t have a girlfriend. The thing is that I don’t trust women generally due to my previous experiences with them.
However, recently, I got involved with two women at the same time. One of them is an undergraduate while the other one is seeking admission into the university.
The two of them are caring, loving and supportive of my education. I love both of them; unfortunately they are each involved with other men.
I really don’t want to lose any of them and each time I think of them in the arms of other men, I feel sorrow and pains deep in my heart. What should I do?
Agatha I need your advice.
Worried Man.
Dear Worried Man,
My first impression was simply to dismiss your letter but something deep inside of me ministered your need for help.
From your letter, it is certain that you are your own problem as it concerns your relationship with women. And until you clean up your own act, you will continue to meet with pains and disappointments.
Even though you still have a long way to go in terms of being ready to settle down, the truth is if you don’t begin from this early to get your priorities right, you will continue to get hurt.
For instance, your current relationships were programmed by you to fail and cause you pains from the beginning. How do you intend to cope with two ladies at the same time? And why those who have other men in their lives?
How do you propose to get the best out of them or grow a successful relationship? Have you thought of them meeting in your place and causing a scene? The truth is you may not lose them to other men but to your own greed and untidiness. Once they find out that you have two of them in your life, they will leave you. No woman wants to share her man. Don’t forget they are each taking risks trying to establish a relationship with you outside their existing ones. Both ladies are probably looking for more securities, assurances and stability by hooking up to you.
To discover the man they want to take the risk with isn’t the serious kind will definitely make them think twice about the gamble they are about to take with their own relationships. Unlike you, these girls are looking for life partners. Once a girl begins to climb the 20s step, she begins to get serious about life by examining the potentials of every relationship she enters into.
This is because a woman’s shelf-span isn’t as elastic as that of the man’s. While a man can play the field throughout his 20s, a woman serious about settling down to a family cannot take such gamble.
They are showing care and love because they each think you are faithful to them and an option when things go wrong in their existing relationship. It will certainly evaporate the moment they find you out to be a cheat.
And if things change positively in their existing relationships, they will also leave you high and dry when you think everything is working well.
The bottom line is that you should look for a woman of your own. In doing that be sure you are very honest and factual about the things you want.
To do it right, look at the trend in your past relationships. Why did they all fail and you getting hurt?
You must learn to accept your own liabilities as a man. No disappointment in relationship happens to anyone without certain assistance from that person. Our pains and aches in relationships are the end products of our refusal or ignorance to look deeper into the kind of choice we are making.
This is why it is important for you to go back in time to find out your own contributions to the pains in all your previous relationships.
What kind of women have you being attracting to yourself or the values you put forward? What are your interests in these women? Is it money, sex, beauty or character?
And above all, what is your definition of love? Do you even know what it entails to be in love? The sacrifices, temperament, responsibilities, understanding, patience, and perseverance that go with making a relationship work?
Besides, at 23, what are your current values and visions for the future?
All these when aggregated impact directly on the kind of relationship one would have.
Going by all that you have said, there is no way you can ever hope to get it right in your relationships.
As for these girls, allow them be. They are not yours so stop hurting yourself needlessly over women who are by right belong to other men. You are their sidekicks, secret lovers, so why allow yourself get hurt by the thoughts of them being in the arms of the men they are officially linked with? Can a thief publicly proclaim his or her trade? You don’t have the right to complain about what any of these girls do with their official boyfriends. So why waste your time on ladies that aren’t yours in the real sense of it?
You will eventually be hurt. The minus side of these relationships you are in is that these girls are just as capable of cheating on you like they are cheating on their current boyfriends.
Good luck.
Dear Agatha,
I love your response to issues. I am a regular reader of your column. I am in need of a quick answer on a challenge I am facing before I do something very wrong.
I am a boy of 23 years of age and a student of a Nigerian University. My challenge is that at my age, I don’t have a girlfriend. The thing is that I don’t trust women generally due to my previous experiences with them.
However, recently, I got involved with two women at the same time. One of them is an undergraduate while the other one is seeking admission into the university.
The two of them are caring, loving and supportive of my education. I love both of them; unfortunately they are each involved with other men.
I really don’t want to lose any of them and each time I think of them in the arms of other men, I feel sorrow and pains deep in my heart. What should I do?
Agatha I need your advice.
Worried Man.
Dear Worried Man,
My first impression was simply to dismiss your letter but something deep inside of me ministered your need for help.
From your letter, it is certain that you are your own problem as it concerns your relationship with women. And until you clean up your own act, you will continue to meet with pains and disappointments.
Even though you still have a long way to go in terms of being ready to settle down, the truth is if you don’t begin from this early to get your priorities right, you will continue to get hurt.
For instance, your current relationships were programmed by you to fail and cause you pains from the beginning. How do you intend to cope with two ladies at the same time? And why those who have other men in their lives?
How do you propose to get the best out of them or grow a successful relationship? Have you thought of them meeting in your place and causing a scene? The truth is you may not lose them to other men but to your own greed and untidiness. Once they find out that you have two of them in your life, they will leave you. No woman wants to share her man. Don’t forget they are each taking risks trying to establish a relationship with you outside their existing ones. Both ladies are probably looking for more securities, assurances and stability by hooking up to you.
To discover the man they want to take the risk with isn’t the serious kind will definitely make them think twice about the gamble they are about to take with their own relationships. Unlike you, these girls are looking for life partners. Once a girl begins to climb the 20s step, she begins to get serious about life by examining the potentials of every relationship she enters into.
This is because a woman’s shelf-span isn’t as elastic as that of the man’s. While a man can play the field throughout his 20s, a woman serious about settling down to a family cannot take such gamble.
They are showing care and love because they each think you are faithful to them and an option when things go wrong in their existing relationship. It will certainly evaporate the moment they find you out to be a cheat.
And if things change positively in their existing relationships, they will also leave you high and dry when you think everything is working well.
The bottom line is that you should look for a woman of your own. In doing that be sure you are very honest and factual about the things you want.
To do it right, look at the trend in your past relationships. Why did they all fail and you getting hurt?
You must learn to accept your own liabilities as a man. No disappointment in relationship happens to anyone without certain assistance from that person. Our pains and aches in relationships are the end products of our refusal or ignorance to look deeper into the kind of choice we are making.
This is why it is important for you to go back in time to find out your own contributions to the pains in all your previous relationships.
What kind of women have you being attracting to yourself or the values you put forward? What are your interests in these women? Is it money, sex, beauty or character?
And above all, what is your definition of love? Do you even know what it entails to be in love? The sacrifices, temperament, responsibilities, understanding, patience, and perseverance that go with making a relationship work?
Besides, at 23, what are your current values and visions for the future?
All these when aggregated impact directly on the kind of relationship one would have.
Going by all that you have said, there is no way you can ever hope to get it right in your relationships.
As for these girls, allow them be. They are not yours so stop hurting yourself needlessly over women who are by right belong to other men. You are their sidekicks, secret lovers, so why allow yourself get hurt by the thoughts of them being in the arms of the men they are officially linked with? Can a thief publicly proclaim his or her trade? You don’t have the right to complain about what any of these girls do with their official boyfriends. So why waste your time on ladies that aren’t yours in the real sense of it?
You will eventually be hurt. The minus side of these relationships you are in is that these girls are just as capable of cheating on you like they are cheating on their current boyfriends.
Good luck.
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