Dear Agatha.
I am a boy of 24 years and student of the University of Abuja.
I am currently dating a girl whom before I met lived a very dangerous life. In addition, she is secretive and has a very pretentious nature.
In December last year, a cousin of hers who unfortunately died in January this year cautioned me on the need to be very strict with her due to her nature and tendencies.
This information led me to question her about her past and person. At first, she didn’t say anything but one day capitulated to my pressures. She told me the reason she abandoned her former lifestyle is because of me. After my talk she also left the group she belonged.
According to her, the specialty of this group is to blackmail prominent men. Perhaps the most shocking and surprising thing about this is the involvement of her uncle in crime chain. As a matter of fact her uncle dragged her into it.
Now the group is threatening to expose her to the public and at the same time deal with her. They are aware that a man is responsible for her quitting the trade but they don’t know my identity. They have written several letters to her and always bring them to me to read.
Honestly, I am in love with her. She has done things to prove to me that she also falls head on toe with me. The most shocking of the discovery is meeting her intact the first time we made love. Please help me out because I don’t know how to handle this matter at all.
Dear M.E.O.,
Meeting her a virgin shows that whatever quality of life she led while she was with this gang didn’t affect her person and character. Whatever her uncle used her for only affected her superficially, a good sign that whatever the situation this kind of woman finds herself she can be trusted to hold her own.
However, that doesn’t eliminate the implications of the threat letters she is receiving from the gang. Since she has insider’s information, she too can blackmail the gang by threatening to go to the Police with the information about them and how they have been using her to blackmail men into submitting to their demands. She should also go a step further by threatening to make public all the lists of men they have blackmailed and also those they are planning to blackmail. Threatening to expose their modus operandi to the same members of public that they want to expose her to would make them think twice. This is because she won’t be the only one they would have lost but their main source of income. Blackmailers don’t like being blackmailed so when they are pushed to the wall, like the cowards they are, run for cover.
Refusing to be intimidated is the only way she can win this battle and maintain her sanity. But there is also the need for her to report these threats to the Police to prevent any ugly incident whether now or in the future.
She should be bold to report the matter at the Police Station leaving the Police to decide whether the matter worth pursuing or not.
This is very pertinent because if they go to the Police before her, it could spell trouble for her as well as your relationship with her especially if paraded as an accomplice in the crime of blackmail.
But going to the Police first offers her soft landing in case the gang becomes desperate and careless in the process of getting her back at all cost.
This is the time she needs your confidence and wisdom to get through all these. Make sure she has enough confidence in your love and trust to do what is right at the end of the day.
Good luck.