Saturday, October 31, 2009
Re: He Is Having An Affair And Treats Me Shabbily
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I Want A Second Wife
Dear Agatha,
I started recently started reading your column and finding appreciative comments of readers who got help through your counsels. I also know that I will receive solution to my own problem. I am a young man of 41 years of age who got married early in life and have a family living in peace, until God called me to unify the Bible with the Holy Quran as a necessary assignment before the end of the world. I refer everybody to Ephesians 1:9-11
My wife, a member of the Jehovah Witness refused to support me on this journey. I was also a Witness until my new spiritual assignment. Following her stubbornness, God then gave me the permission to take another wife to serve as my partner for His work, explaining that what constitutes sin was 'to divorce one's wife to marry another except on the grounds of adultery; polygamy is not sin rather it was ordained by Him for those who can afford and prevent a lot of souls from going to hell. Again, I refer readers to Mathew 19. There Jesus didn’t prohibit polygamy but stressed the permanent nature of marriage. Since my wife is faithful to me, I have no reason to divorce her but could take another to be my partner in the office she has refused to serve.
I have tried to explain my condition to some ladies but they refuse to listen or even enquire from God if what I am saying is true though they claim to be born again. They make jest of me, but some prefer to be my girlfriend rather than become my second wife. Some have abused me, yet I do not want to follow any fleshly desire in choosing another partner. Now; I would like to marry a lady who is willing to submit to the will of God for me and to serve as my partner in God's Work. The woman must be a virgin, under 27 years of age, fair in complexion,of average height and born again of Islam, Christianity, Bahrain, Mormon. from any country. She must also have secondary school education. She must pray and fast to know if she is the one God will choose for me before replying. Must go to this site to understand the nature of my ministry and determine if she can work with me: www.jehovahsservantreligion.blogspot.com
I am waiting responses as God wills. My contact is: capitalgen@yahoo.com
Dear Isreal,
You will definitely agree that no woman in her right sense would accept such proposal from her husband especially if a Christian. There is no way you can convince her or a lot of people that you are not using the name of God to execute a plan you have always nurtured deeply in your mind.
Marriage is one institution very close to the heart of God and one He would never cause confusion in no matter the assignment He has given any of the partners to do for Him. Your story and declaration sounds very queer and a bit hard to chew given the nature of the God we all serve. He is one God that will never do or say anything to cause commotion in the lives of His people. God is not man who lacks the powers to make your wife do as He pleases. He is the potter and her, the clay. If actually He wants you to execute this assignment for Him, no matter how hard hearted your wife is, He knows and has the ability to break her down to support the vision He gave you. God is no man that would ask you to marry another woman because your wife is adamant to give you her support.
He would not ask you to marry another wife but ensure the one you have does what He wants. Remember the case of Joseph who was going to divorce Mary on account of her being pregnant without him having anything to do with its conception? God didn’t allow it to happen. He made Arch. Angel Gabriel to go to Joseph to explain the nature of Mary’s pregnancy and what he, Joseph must do to help God’s plan materialize.
He didn’t give Mary another husband or Joseph another wife. He stepped into the human situation to explain His supremacy over us. If your assignment is from God, your wife too would receive the message and prompting to follow you. Taking on another wife isn’t what you need but to sit back and clear the confusion you have engineered in your life. Perhaps when you married early, you didn’t really have a clear understanding of what the institution demands. At 40 you are probably experiencing some middle age crisis and want some sort of excitement especially those you think you lost out on by marrying early. It is natural to at some point in a marriage to feel trapped and to want to look for an escape route. You may think you are happy but deep down you feel like you are drowning in all the responsibilities marriage brings along with it. Challenges like this are best tackled by going on holiday with your wife; to refresh your marriage by dreaming up new ideas of bringing back some of the excitements you missed out on. There is no way you can do the work of God with two women and sets of children demanding for your time. The confusion would drown whatever it is you say God asked you to do. Without a happy home, there is no way you as a man can function properly.
In all these learn to be true to yourself because that itself is the only way you can succeed and stay in line with what God wants you to be.
Good luck.
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