Monday, February 15, 2010

Now That She’s Back, What Do I Do?

Dear Agatha,

There was this lady I was dating from childhood. As a matter of fact, she was my first love. I left the city and my girlfriend, when I gained admission into a university. We couldn’t keep up with communication, because there was no mobile phone then. I later discovered she was into another relationship and actually left for Lagos with the guy. 

Recently she came asking for me and when I asked of her love life she couldn’t say anything.

Agatha, do you think she is trying to come back to me?  Please help me because I’m single and still searching.

Confused Man.

Dear Confused Man, 

I don’t have a crystal ball to know what her intentions are, but one thing is clear, you have both re-established communication, the most important thing here. If you are still interested in her, take advantage of her coming to see you to ask her about the past as well as what went wrong in her last relationship. She has taken the first step, leaving you to take the other step to complete the journey.

Talking about the past, from the point you relocated to the campus, would help both of you clear up a lot of concerns as well as bitterness that might have followed you leaving her to go to school and she going into another relationship. 

You must try to understand her reasons especially if both of you at that time didn’t have anything planned for the future of the relationship.

Because a lot of time has past and many things would have changed, it is best if both of you are thinking of coming back together as an item to begin the initial journey as friends. The move will give both of you the opportunity of rediscovery each other, and where you want to take your past discovery to. Good luck. 

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