Monday, February 15, 2010

Caught Between Two Skirts, But Choice Chaos

Dear Agatha,

I am 25 years of age from Kwara State. I am in love with two girls both aged 20 years.  Both of them are in love with me and I don’t know what to do. Please help me.

Confused Boy.

Dear Confused Boy, 

You are the only one who can help yourself get over the confusion. And the only way you can do this is to sit back and define what you understand by love, followed by a clear picture of who your ideal woman is. It is only when you understand what love is all about that you can give a name to what you feel for these girls. If love for you is the beautiful side, the one that is oblivious to the dangerous thorns and sacrifices it comes with, then you have to dig deeper to know which of these girls can get you to give up some of your freedoms, do things for unconditionally, grow the required patience for her to be happy, do things you will never do for any other person, things you thought were stupid and demeaning of your status as a man. 

Which of these girls share your kind of dream, has the right kind of motivation you need to fuel and drive your enthusiasm for success in life? When you talk about love it must come with the image of an ideal partner. When you are mated with someone who isn’t your ideal partner, regrets often follow such a union because the expected help and quality companionship never come into being. 

Of these two, look for the one who can sustain your interest through out your life. The one with the inner beauty and strength, not the one with all the outwards beauty, but lacks real qualities to make things happen in a relationship.

Good luck.

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