Tuesday, June 18, 2013
My mother has refused to bless my choice
Dear Agatha,
I need your advice.
I have been going out with this guy fir the past three years now, he was a Muslim then.
He has how ever converted to our Christianity and I am hundred percent sure it is not those gimmicks some men play to hook the woman they admire.
If I expected this piece of news to thrill my mother, I thought wrongly. Her excuse this time is that he is not a strong believer. Because of that, she refused to give us her consent to marry. What do you suggest?
I do love him very much.
Dear Tina.
If what you feel for him is right; he makes you very happy, he understands your feelings and is ready to negotiate with you on certain areas dear to you, please go ahead.
Granted a mother’s is blessing is very important but this is your life not hers. Your happiness is what is important at this critical time in your life. She made her choice with your father; you should also be allowed to make your choice and mistakes too. This is what life is all about.
No matter how much she loves you, she cannot be the husband you need now. you have come to that important point in your life when you just must make the decision concerning the future. Someone has to love you for the cycle of life to continue. It is unfortunate she doesn’t like the form your love is taking but leaving the nest isn’t one that comes easy for some children. as her child, you must make her appreciate those things she cannot see in your man. The pride of a young woman is when men come to her marriage. She loses her self-esteem when she goes cap in hand begging to be married.
Your mother has had her chance: she should allow you the opportunity of having yours. There is no relationship where mistakes are not made. What is important is how we overcome them.
The joy and the peace you will experience with this man cannot be compared with what you feel for your mother.
There is obviously something your mother is not saying. Implore her to tell you what the problem really is because you are finding her attitude strange. Unless her reason is something that cannot be ignored, go for him.
We all come with our faults. I am sure there is something about you his family too cannot tolerate but which they have elected to overlook because of their son.
His decision to change from the religion he was born into a strange one couldn’t have been an easy decision for him. There is no guessing the anger, pressure he is facing from his family over this decision. Your mother should appreciate hit gut not look for excuses to discourage him. How many Christian today are really converts? Rather than condemn him, he should be encouraged in his new faith.
Whatever your decisions are, don’t be rude to your mother. Simply tell her politely what you intend doing and that you would very much appreciate if she refuses, don’t worry, once God is in favour of the relationship, go ahead.
Continue to perform your obligation to your mother. One day, she would come to accepting him as her son.
But be sure by asking God for His direction and help.
Good luck
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