Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Should I continue to wait for my prisoner boyfriend at 42?
With Auntie Agatha, gataedo@yahoo.com, agatha.edo@gmail.com, Tel: 08054500626
Dear Agatha,
I am 42 years of age. The man I am to marry, is in prison. I have gone in search for spiritual and physical help to ensure he comes out of there but, to no avail.
The problem now is that I am getting old and at my age, I don’t know for how long I am going to wait. He has been in prison for five years. Men of God I consulted on the issue have divided opinion on his release. While some say he will soon be released, others say he is going to be in there for another five years. I don’t know which of these prophesies I should believe.
To make matters worse, I don’t know anybody in his family. What do I do because I am not getting younger. I have spent all my life’s saving on him. I don’t know what to do anymore. I am afraid. Please help me.
Distraught Woman.
Dear Distraught Woman,
At 42, you are no longer a child. Most women your age have stopped having children. As a matter of fact some women at your age have started experiencing menopause. You aren’t even married not to talk of having children. And the man you plan to marry is in prison; and you are not sure when he is coming out of there.
To cap it all, you don’t even know any member of his family so what are you still waiting for? It would have been a different kettle of fish if you were both legally married but from what you have said, there is nothing on ground, just a promise that you will both get married some day.
Although the bit about you not knowing when he is likely to come out of prison is doubtful considering every sentence has a prison year attached to it, the truth is, even if he gets out of that place today, he isn’t under any obligation to marry you.
As a friend and lover, you have done your best to be a friend in need but reality beckons on to put your happiness first. As a woman, your productive years are limited and at your age, your biological shelf life is almost expiring.
This means you must make a move if you hope to have a child of your own. This is that time most of us get into in life when we must make a very difficult choice. Granted you love this man but are you willing to give up your whole life waiting for him to get out of prison? What if he never makes it out alive? What would be your consolation and story?
Sincerely, this is that time the inherent selfish nature in us must come to play in your life. You cannot love this man more than yourself. If he truly cares about you, he wouldn’t want you to waste the rest of your life waiting for him considering that you are a woman advanced in years. You have to either let go of him or your chance of being a mother.
This is not time for sentiments. If at your age you don’t look out for yourself, nobody would. Even now, your options are very limited. Only very few men would want to begin their lives with a woman your age; meaning you have even very slim chances of meeting the right man.
Even though you have your reasons for staying on which in the beginning must appear very good and reasonable, if you leave him now, it won’t be that you ran away at the sight of trouble but rather it will be the most reasonable thing to do.
That you are married to another man doesn’t mean you would stop being his friend. From time to time, you could still make out time to visit him in prison; at least to encourage him.
Love isn’t stupid and is a two way thing. Love without wisdom is absolute stupidity. Yes, it is unconditional but every love story begins with falling in love with oneself. If you don’t know how to treat yourself right, you will never be able to define how others should treat you. The question is, in your shoes will this man do the same thing for you? Would he willingly give up his own usefulness for you?
This is the junction of truth. Are you really waiting for him or using the excuse of not having offers from other men to claim you are waiting for him?
If you are merely using the excuse of lack of suitors to wait for him, then there is a spiritual angle to your issue. This you must face and stop deceiving yourself by giving the impression that you are waiting for this man when in fact you have a bigger problem to tackle in your own life.
When you make up your mind to be sincere with yourself, go in search for the real problem militating against your emotional happiness as a woman and stop playing hide and seek with yourself. Without you being honest with yourself as to the exact problem facing you, you will end up being so disappointed with life. And I tell you it will have nothing to do with this man but your own refusal to face your life squarely.
There is nothing God cannot do once you are prepared to be truthful. Chances are you haven’t found a clue to all that is happening in your life because you prefer to lie to everybody and yourself.
Go to God in prayers. Once you are ready, He will point you at the right direction to go.
Good luck.
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