Tuesday, August 14, 2012
He beeps any time I pray for partner
Agatha, gataedo@yahoo.com, agatha.edo@gmail.com,Tel: 08054500626
Dear Agatha,
Thank you so much for solving people’s problems and reuniting them again. I am a lady of 31 years of age, single and a graduate. I met this guy in my school. He helped me with certain things, because I was a novice back then.
While we were in school, we acted with a deep sense of responsibility. He couldn’t afford to call me because his condition then was pitiable. He couldn’t afford three square meals.
Few months after graduating, he secured employment. Despite the change in his fortune, he still wasn’t calling me. Rather, he preferred calling me at night when calls were toll free. After registering my displeasure at this attitude, he minimised calling me at night.
The funniest thing is that he claims to be in love with me but I know he is only after the pleasures of my body.
As a result of the challenges I was facing finding a life partner, I decided to embark on prayer and fasting. But I noticed that each time I did this, this man would begin beeping me as if he is right by my side.
He is always telling me he loves me, that I should come back to him, but he hasn’t said anything about marriage.
My challenge is that men treat me as if I am invisible and I am not the kind of woman who flirts.
I wonder why such things are happening in my life. Please Agatha, what should I do? Am I right to leave him?
Dear Amuche,
Good education doesn’t translate to a successful relationship. Many things combine to make a particular relationship work or fail.
There is no way you will move beyond your present level if you don’t first sit down to do a proper critique of your life and plan for the future.
For instance, what kinds of men appeal to you? Why are you so angry with this man? Is it because he appears stingy or that he doesn’t call you? Be specific. Unless you are sincere with yourself at this crucial stage of your life, no amount of prayers and fasting can help you. What kind of man are you asking God to give you? What kinds of sacrifices are you also willing to make?
The irony of it all is that you may have met your Mr. Right but because you are blind to what you want, you may not have looked his way.
There is also the possibility of you pricing yourself out of the market of eligible women. This is so if he isn’t the only one ignoring you. Sometimes the attitude women put up scare men away from them. When a woman’s disposition and mien are not only arrogant but enough to intimidate a man, most men would naturally ignore her. Most men in search of wife materials avoid strong willed women or the kinds that appear to be too much in charge of their lives.
There is no war the act of humility doesn’t win. If you are really searching for the proverbial Mr. Right, you really have to let go of some of the things you carry around.
To know what to work on in your person, ask friends, both men and women, those close to you, to give you an apt assessment of your person. Ask your siblings what they think of you. Go the extra mile; enquire from colleagues, neighbours, and even new acquaintances. By the time you take a sample of these different opinions, you will be close to having a fair impression of how others rate you.
The raison d’être is not to fight them but to help you arrive at an objective answer that would help you work on your deficiencies as a woman and person. We all need this character evaluation from time to time to help us become better persons. So you won’t be acting out of tune if you do it. Don’t forget that we are all students of the school of life. Without this occasional evaluation in our lives, we won’t be able to improve on our attitude and character.
Also, there is the possibility of your problem being spiritual. When men appear to be oblivious of a woman’s presence, then something is very wrong somewhere.
This is the time to look into your family history especially the women before you. What is the average age, women in your family marry? How easy is it for them to get married and when they do, what kinds of marriages do they have?
There is no way you can flirt when the men are not even interested in looking your way. Flirting is a function of men looking at you and wanting to have one kind of relationship or the other with you. In a situation where men ignore you completely, flirting will definitely be the last thing on your mind.
The mere fact that men are not even looking your way is a very serious challenge which looking deeper into your family history will give a clearer perspective into the kinds of challenges you have inherited from them. This kind of understanding will in turn point you at what to ask God for.
Many a time, we play dumb to the things happening in our families when in fact more than 90 per cent of the problems we battle in life come from our family trees.
Even if this man is perfect, the kinds of challenges confronting you in your family will make it impossible for you to look past the defect you have noticed in him. Even when others are seeing his positive side, you will only insist on looking at the negative side. This is the power of foundational problem. Unless, God decrees otherwise, such battles are always difficult to win because they embody everything that makes you who you are. They are the sources that know everything about your parentage and even those things you don’t know about yourself.
Unless that source is sealed up by the powers of prayers, there is no telling the extent of damage it will bring to one’s life.
Once you know where the problem is coming from, it would be so easy to pray them out of your life.
All these three angles are important for your complete happiness. One cannot be done without the other. Even if you regain your spiritual independence, without you taking the step of changing your attitude, the men that come will still leave you.
Therefore, be real enough with yourself because this is the critical point of your life. Don’t leave this too late because at 31, your choices are depreciating every day.
Good luck.
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