Tuesday, June 26, 2012
I’m in blood oath with three girls…
With Auntie Agatha, gataedo@yahoo.com, agatha.edo@gmail.com, Tel: 08054500626
Dear Agatha,
I have been following a lot of your advice. I am one of your great fans. I am currently in a very deep mess. At first I didn’t know the gravity of the problem or the situation I was getting myself into.
I took blood oaths with three different ladies, and I want to do away with all these oaths. The promise was that I would always love them, no matter the circumstances. My questions are, won’t these oaths have negative effects on my life and how can I break them. Please assist me.
Lynx, Uganda
Dear Lynx,
Blood promise with one person is bad enough. What were you thinking in taking blood oath with three different women, all promising to love them no matter the situation?
There is no contesting the fact that these covenants would have negative effects on you later in life, because blood itself involves life. It represents the spirit of life in everything that is living. Therefore when one goes into blood oaths, it goes beyond the physical. It becomes an exchange between the spirits of life. Each of these women come with their spiritual beings, their destinies, their challenges, and all the attendants things we do on earth.
To have gone into promises that require the exchange of blood, you receive their challenges along with yours. They too are with some of your own fortune, because you are the one who make the greater promise of loving them through thick and thin.
As the one who is unfaithful, you are the one most likely to end up with the physical and spiritual liabilities of each of these women. Because they are three in number, it means you will, unless God intervenes swim from one problem to the other because blood covenant is the only kind of oath God recognises and accepts.
This is because blood is the only substance in our bodies that cocoons the secret of life. This is why scientists, though have the knowledge of its composition, have not been able to find a surrogate for blood. The substance of life has to come from another human being for one life in need of blood to be saved. There is no other way to it. Blood represents the spirit of God in humans especially. It is a highly spiritual import, which is why it took the atonement of the blood of Jesus Christ to set us free from the stronghold of the devil.
This is why the toughest sacrifices and fetish demands are often blood related.
In the eyes of God, you are spiritually married to these women. Even if you marry another woman, no matter how exceptional she is, without you doing something about breaking these multiple oaths you entered into, your chances of finding happiness in life are very slim. What others are getting with ease will become so much of a struggle for you.
Without meaning to frighten you, if any of these women is vicious enough to resist your attempts at pacifying her, you will forever remain under her spiritual authority until she lets go. This is because God recognises the first covenant you entered into especially as it involved the exchange of blood.
Unfortunately, breaking them isn’t always as easy as the process of entering into such high level oaths. This is because it is impossible to separate the blood each of you sucked on that day of the oath.
First you have to seek the face of God in prayers and fasting for mercy. Don’t forget He is a covenant keeping God, one that operates on the principle of life for a life. Only His mercy and help can undo that which you foolishly did to yourself especially as your motive was based on deceit and greed to have each of these women in your life at all cost.
One thing is do something based on the goodness of heart another is to do it based on falsehood. You thought entering into these covenants was the only way to get these women to trust sufficiently in your quest to have them.
Sadly, you have become the prisoner of your greed. This is why your case goes beyond the ordinary breaking of vows to first seeking the forgiveness of God. It has to come from a heart that is really repentant and seeking of true mercy.
If possible, go and meet with your pastor to pray along with you. It isn’t just the now but about your entire future. The sad thing about blood covenants especially if it involves a woman who is spiritually unforgiving, the man risks involving all his entire descendants in a battle they know nothing of. This is because the scorned woman will stop at nothing, including going through higher powers to seek revenge.
Only the mercy of God can help ward off situations like this.
Follow this up with visits to each of these women to explain your reasons for entering into the oath with them and why you are now backing out. It is important you don’t complicate an already bad situation with lies. At this junction you are now, only the truth can set you free. It has gone beyond questing for their forgiveness to revealing your real reason for going into such oaths from the beginning. Once you are able to secure the pardon of these women, return to your source with all the women for special deliverance.
As long as you trust in God and are determined to stay put in His way, He will help you but you have to be truthful to yourself.
Good luck.
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