Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Only spiritualists can fuck me…

With Auntie Agatha,,, Tel: 08054500626

Dear Agatha,
There is this huge problem facing me. Five years ago, I left my former boyfriend because I caught him in bed with another woman. He actually tried everything to make me come back, but I refused.
A year later he got married to the same woman I caught him cheating on me with. I was very hurt by it all, I vowed to get even with him.
A friend of mine took me to a spiritualist who promised to help me deal with him. Thereafter, I met and married my current husband.
Before we got married, my husband and I had a good sex life, but the moment we got married, I noticed he couldn’t perform as a man.
Before we begin, he would be okay as a man, but the moment he attempts to get into me, he goes limp. We didn’t understand what was happening. At first, he thought it was just the stress in the office getting to him. I did all the tricks I know as a woman, but none worked when it mattered the most.
While I was still trying to solve the problem, I learnt he has put another woman in the family way. His excuse was since he wasn’t able to perform as a man with me; he did it with another woman just to make sure he wasn’t the problem.
It isn’t just that he got her pregnant but his people are also making plans to bring the woman to the house.
Hurt, I went out to do the same thing he did, but I discovered that none of the men I tried to sleep with could get it up.
It was then I knew I was the target of whatever is wrong with my marriage.
I tried going back to the spiritualist my friend took me to, only to discover he no longer stayed there. I was told by his neighbours that he had moved.
Desperate, I confided in a friend who took me somewhere else. It was there I was told that the cause of my problem had to do with what I did to my former boyfriend. I had forgotten all about that. In my problems it skipped my mind that I had, out of anger, told the spiritualist I went to see that he should punish him by making it impossible for him and the woman he married to function as a couple.
According to this spiritualist, the only thing that would break the curse on me is to sleep with him (the spiritualist). Surprisingly, he could sleep with me as a man, but once I go back to another man, the problem came back. I am so fed up because it looks like I will never get out of it. The more places I go, the more complicated my problems become.
The latest is that my husband has driven me out of the house. I am writing because I don’t know what else to do. I have gone everywhere but the issue remains. Please help me.
I don’t know what to do or who to turn to? Can you help me, Agatha? Can you find a solution to my problem? Will I ever be able to have a baby? I know it isn’t the usual thing you do.

Dear Martha,
The only help I know is the house of God. There is no running away from the fact that you have gotten yourself involved in a very terrible thing.
He remains the only one who can help you as long as you know how to find him and the way to His house.
Whosoever told you that solutions come from going through the homes of different spiritualists told you lies. Instead of solutions you will experience more difficulties like you are currently going through.
How does sleeping with a spiritualist translate to your finding solution to a problem you created in the first place? Did you ever pause to think how having a sexual encounter with a complete stranger, someone you don’t know, cancel a problem you are having with other men? Do you realise the power of sex, the covenant it invokes into one’s life? Even if it were true these spiritualists have the answers to your problem, didn’t you think it strange that they should demand sex as solution?
Granted, they could go all the way with you, but that is as far as your solution goes. The truth you had become a sort of toy thing to them all, a tool they can manipulate to their pleasure.
Don’t forget that you got the problem from them in the first place. Even if in your hurt and pains you were seeking ways to get back at your former boyfriend for what he did to you, they should have told you to leave everything to God.
Frankly, unless you want to end up frustrated throughout your life, go to God in prayers. He listens and cares so much about us all.
He doesn’t demand for anything to make right our wrong. What you are suffering from is nemesis. You went to them to make your former boyfriend and his woman unhappy; ensure they don’t enjoy their union. And when the time for you to be happy too in your marriage came, you too were denied the kind of peace and joy you denied them: your ex and his wife.
You, more than anyone else, know the things that transpired between you and the spiritualist you went to for help to deal with your former lover. Even though you didn’t meet him in his last address, you should have gone back to your ex to apologise and plead for forgiveness.
Honestly, it is not too late to do it. Having indiscriminate sex with the so-called spiritual helpers you have taken to consulting for solutions will never give you the kind of release from the consequences of your action.
Already you have lost your home to another woman despite the various spiritual homes you patronise as well as the kind of payments they demand of you. First it was your husband not being able to be intimate with you, and now it is you not having a husband at all. The drift in your life underscores the extent of hurt you inflicted on your former boyfriend and his wife. Even if he treated you unfairly, it was wrong for you to take laws into your hand. The extent you went in seeking revenge cancelled whatever sympathy you had. Your actions effectively stopped God from coming to your rescue, hence the many problems you now have.
Whatever it would cost you in pride, go to this couple and confess what you did. It is the only way to find freedom from the prison you have put yourself into. Your must stop patronising the homes of these spiritualists because not only would they continue to defraud you spiritually, financially, but also emotionally. If you don’t take the step to end it now by making your peace with this couple, you will never be free to live your own life, and anywhere you go you will continue to meet with disappointment.
The forgiveness of this couple will make it easier for you to find God and help from Him. The law of God is simple; we all reap what we sow in other people’s lives. It is obvious you planned for this couple not to have more children in addition to wanting to deny them the joy that comes from being married.
Out of hurt, jealousy, pains and frustration you sowed pains into the lives of this couple forgetting that you are not God. The fact that you met and married another man a year after he left you for this other lady meant you both were never to last forever.
Even if God had planned it that way, leaving Him to fight for you would have given you a happier and trustworthy results.
To help yourself grow in faith, stop telling friends about your problem. Rather, tell God through prayers how to help you find a solution.
The moment you tell them what you have done, chances are whatever spell you are suffering from would not go away.
Whatever happens, hold on to God. Don’t let anyone deceive you into thinking you can find a quick solution outside Him. You must also act fast because time isn’t your friend as a woman. Everyday, you delay going to this couple to beg for forgiveness and reconciling yourself with God, you eat further into your time of productivity as a woman. This is very important if you hope to have children and enjoy matrimony again.
Good luck.

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