Auntie Agatha,,, Tel: 08054500626
Dear Agatha,
I am a young boy, aged 26 years. There is this girl in my school. Although we are not friends, each time I pass by her, she would always stare at me. This has continued till the day I sent her a friend request on Facebook. She neither accepted nor rejected my request despite knowing it was from me. Not one to be discouraged easily, I sent her Xmas and New Year and other friendship messages but she still didn’t deem it fit to reply any of these. But each time I pass, she still stares deep into my eyes irrespective of the distance.
Agatha, I am confused. I really don’t know what she wants from me or what she is thinking of me. Please help me. I truly want this girl to be my close friend but I am too shy to approach her.
Dear Omoghene,
What do you think she could possibly want from you? It is apparent this young lady wants friendship and has made it as obvious as she could possibly do without risking too much damage to her reputation.
The ball is now in your court. You have to overcome your shyness. As a man you cannot continue to hide behind the façade of the Internet. A time comes in the life of a man when he takes the bull by the horn. This is one task nobody or power of the Internet can do for you. It is one step into destiny as a young man of 26 years of age that you just must take with all the boldness it deserves.
She is ignoring you because she has stepped out of her bounds to make her likeness for you obvious. It can’t be easy for her to do what she is doing considering the moral implication of this show of boldness on her reputation.
If she has this amount of courage as a woman, what is stopping you from approaching her? The worst that can happen is for her to ignore you but that is not even enough to deter most men from pursuing the lady of their dream.
Apart from the possibility of her not having the time to go on the Internet as frequently as you seem to do, she may also decide to ignore it because it isn’t her style.
When next you see her, go to her. Tell her exactly what you have told me, that you want her to be your friend. As long as you are not proclaiming love to her on the first day, you can be rest assured nothing she says would hurt you. The trick is for you to keep everything friendly. Refrain from mentioning the fact that you have caught her staring at severally. Rather, compliment her on her looks, sense of style or anything other thing you find interesting about her.
In engaging her for discussion, pay special attention to her area of interest; this will endear you to her the more. If nothing else, she would see you as a friend she can trust and whom she knows, has an understanding of what makes her happy.
Friendship would also enable you study her at close quarters; get to know who she really is behind the mask. This would help inform you on how to proceed with the relationship. At any rate, once both of you have become friends, every other thing becomes easier to manage.
For now, take each day as it comes. Allow time to dictate the tempo of your relationship with her.
Good luck.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
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