Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can I Blame My Wife For Our Childlessness?

Dear Agatha,
My wife and I have been married for two years now still looking up to God for a child. We have tried all options medically and we have been certified fit and compatible by different doctors yet we have not been able to conceive.
Recently I noticed that when we have sexual intercourse my semen drips out immediately. My wife admitted that it has been happening for a long time and that she couldn’t explain to our doctor.
I want to know if this is the reason my wife have not been able to conceive and if this is a problem we should look into. I will appreciate your professional advice.

Dear Ben, 

If the sperms fail to get to the target, there is no way conception can be possible. Your sperms have to get to her ovaries for fertilisation to occur. Since various doctors and medical tests say there is nothing wrong with both of you medically, this could be a possible reason. Of course, in addition to stress and other inexplicable reasons, she hasn’t been able to take in. 

The wise thing is for her to tell her doctor. There is no hiding the truth from the doctor. It is the only way she can get help and the problem resolved. If she is medically fit but the sperms are coming out immediately after you ejaculate, the doctors would continue to insist on what the tests say unless directed by her to another possible reasons. 

Although a doctor friend of mine I discussed the issue with says she should elevate her bottom with a pillow each time you make love. There is the urgent need for both of you to see the doctor as soon as possible. 

Good luck. 

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