Dear Agatha,
Let me start by thanking God for using you to help others.
Agatha, I am 18 years of age with big hips. I want to know if it is bad or natural? My hips are so enormous that men cannot resist approaching me on daily basis. It is very embarrassing.
To be frank, I am tired of all these unnecessary attention my hips attract.
A lot of people attribute it to excessive sex. Is it true? Is it natural for a young girl like me to sprout such excessive hips? Is there anything medically wrong with me? I am shy whenever I leave my house. It is made more obvious because I am of an average height. Help me to avoid these embarrassments.
Dear Vivian,
I honestly cannot understand why you are embarrassed by what a lot of women would give anything to have. Excessive sex is not a direct or remote cause of excessive hips rather it is in the genes.
If the female children in your family are wide-hipped, there is nothing you can do to prevent it. However there is a way out - exercises. Not that it would prevent them from being obvious, but it would help moderate their spread.
Do exercises that focus on the hips; though difficult to trim, the right kinds of exercises can check excessive growth.
For an 18-year-old girl, cut down on your sexual urges and habits. Though it has nothing to do with the issue at hand, it is in your interest to apply caution because it could have been a serious sexually transmitted disease that is your bother, so learn to be careful. There is so much to gain from abstinence as a young girl than what you are getting from the act now. There is always plenty of time for you to make the right choice of what is good for you.
Go to any exercise shop gymnasium for more information and professional counsel on what would work for you and the kinds of knowledge or equipment that would get you closer to the kinds of hips you want.
Good luck.
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