Monday, March 1, 2010

I Want To Be Pregnant…

Dear Agatha,

I am a regular reader of your column. Please I need your advice as soon as possible. I need to get pregnant. I have tried, but it is not working. I run a 28-day cycle. When do, I actually need to sleep with my fiancé to get pregnant?

Worried Lady.

Dear Worried Lady, 

Even if you have a healthy and predictable cycle, if you are not relaxed sufficiently, it might be difficult for you to get pregnant. Most women find it difficult to conceive when they are worried about getting pregnant. 

Being a 28-day woman, you are one of those whose ovulation is easy to predict. Begin calculation from the first day of your menses to the 10th day after it. The 11th –15th day are your most fertile period, when you are most likely to get pregnant. But like I earlier said, you must try as much as possible to relax. From experiences, it is always difficult for a woman who has worked herself into expectation at the end of every of her monthly cycle to get pregnant. So just relax.

However there is the need for you and your boyfriend to see a gynecologist to examine if things are okay with the two of you. 

The fact that you are having a regular period doesn’t make a woman automatically healthy to conceive. 

At times too, the fault could come from the man whose sperm may be too low or unhealthy to get a woman pregnant. There are so many medical reasons that could prevent an apparently healthy couple from producing a baby. Going to the doctor would not only tell where the problem is, but also provide the cure.

Good luck. 

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