Dear Agatha,
I like the way you have been solving people’s problems.
Would appreciate if you come to my aid by giving tips on how to get this lady I am interested in to accept me.
Worried Man.
Dear Worried Man,
The first tip is sincerity in all ramifications. Tell her everything she needs to know about you. Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep and never lie about what you don’t have or have.
Despite what a lot of men think, that women like being lied to, there are still many women who appreciate being told the truth.
Don’t also rush her or yourself in the process of falling in love. The trick is to take each day as it comes because many a time what we think is love may just be infatuation or lust. But when a couple begins by being friends, they help each other grow into their faults, strength, pattern, dreams and focus in life.
They are able to confide in each other, provide the support base they both want, maneuvre slippery terrains without it destroying or affecting their relationship negatively.
There is a lot to gain if you don’t on the first date, go professing love. The sensible thing is to offer her friendship and a chance to know each other before any talk about love. A relationship premised on friendship has better chances of surviving the concomitant challenges that come with relationship building. In addition, learn to trust, support, understand, care, tolerate, pray and be determined to succeed against all odds.
Good luck.
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