Thursday, July 9, 2009

Re: One Kid ‘ll Reward 10-year Love Venture With Him

Dear Agatha,

I want to comment on the above subject from Alice.

My prayer is that God will continually supply you with wisdom and understanding towards the good work you are doing.

I want Alice to know that men are generally polygamous in nature.

This man was honest from the onset about his marital status as well as his disinterest not to marry another woman.

That pronouncement alone makes it clear that whatever he was having on the side wasn’t meant to be permanent. By accepting to date this man meant Alice agreed with the conditions he spelt out. I want Alice to know that what she called ‘love’ is because the man is ‘ready made soup,’ and what she is looking for now is to take her own part of the soup. Unfortunately things don’t work that way always.

She is complaining she is of age, didn’t she notice that before agreeing to date this married man in spite of spelling out his conditions from the outset.

Her intentions of going to that man’s house to meet his wife and family to disgrace the man would only end in her own embarrassment because she lacks a valid case. For 10 years she denied the woman of quality time with her husband and the children too. Alice should wake up to reality.

I want her to know that not everybody is affected by charms.

Granted this man has betrayed the vows of his marriage but he appears to enjoy the favour of God, which makes it impossible for him to be destroyed by any man. Having avoided her for sometime, she should do the decent thing, allow him be. There is no way the wife can pretend she isn’t aware of Alice’s involvement with her husband but if she ignored her, why can’t Alice do the same thing?

The best thing for her now is forgive yourself, ask God forgiveness and drop a note for the man and also ask him for forgiveness by wishing him a happy home.

She should repent and pray for changes to come into her life.

In addition, she should run away from her so-called evil friends if she wants to be happy in life.


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