Dear Agatha,
The prayers of your readers would always make you excel in your undertakings.
In what ways can love be defined in respect to relationship between man and woman? How does one detect true love? Does true love really exist?
Worried Man.
Dear Worried Man,
Love is the special feelings a man or woman feel for a member of the opposite sex. The potency of the feeling is such it cannot be controlled. It is also unique because in its true and raw form transcends creed, colour, tribe, age, social and educational status. True love selects a partner for the person and not the person selecting whom he or she would fall in love with.
It is a beautiful mix of friendship, respect, tolerance, endurance and selflessness. It transcends human understanding and often time blind to the reason of others. It is accepting something you or others don't see but feel deep inside where nobody can see it.
True love doesn't question, rationalise or scrutinise the reason for its being, instead it simply accepts what it cannot change.
When a man or woman finds true love, he or she taps into God's secret key to happiness and peace since it doesn't take stock of any wrong.
However before one can give and recognise love, the person has to know what love is else may not be able to give or accept it without doubts.
So love begins from self-love because what you don't have, you can't give. Love flows from within to the outside. When love begins from the outside to the inside, it isn't real and doesn't survive difficult times because the foundation is premised on wrong values and reasons; unlike the one that places all its emphasis on what the person has inside. This is why relationships are falling like packs of card and true love does exist but has been given different interpretations by those who prize it in terms of how much it can command in terms of materialism and money.
True love comes with patience, understanding and unconditional trust in a seemingly impossible situations.
Good luck.
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