Thursday, June 25, 2009

At 27, Fighting Hard To Avoid Premarital Sex…

Dear Agatha,

I appreciate all you have been doing for us. I am 27 years old, still a virgin. I am a very principled guy that is against pre-marital sex. I am very handsome. I have many beautiful female friends who have all left me because I won't have sex with them.

Agatha, do you think I am doing the right thing? I plan to only have sex with the woman I am married to and not pre-marital sex. Please, advice me because I am confused.

Worried Michael.

Dear Worried Michael,

Why are you confused? Your decision shows you have character and integrity. You are definitely on the right track. Forget what anybody or your female friends are saying. The important thing is what you have elected to do as well as the peace you derive from doing it.

When it comes to issue like this, don’t expect support or understanding because in a long line of hundred, chances are you are the only one holding on to such an ideals. So it would be difficult for the other 99 to understand what you are talking about or think you normal.

In such situation, you would even begin to question the sanity of your decision just as you are doing now but I assure you, at the end of the day, you will come out better than the majority.

A girl who leaves a man on account of the fact that he refuses to have sex with her isn’t worth planning a life journey with. Ideally a woman should be glad that a man respects her enough not to ply her with demands of sex before he walks her down the aisle.

You may not appreciate what you are doing until you meet the right woman who would treat you as her king on account of this decision you have taken.

And always remember the good things are the most difficult to propagate while the bad ones are the easiest to sell.

Don’t worry, when the situation gets so confusing, look up to God for help and support.

Good luck.

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