Dear Agatha,
I’m a 15-year old SSS 2 student with large breasts. My boobs embarrass me, as I’m constantly being mocked by people. According to these people, boys would run away from me. Unlike my friends whose breasts stand erect, mine are sagging.
What baffles me is that they were straight before. Please what do I do? I need your help.
Helpless Girl.

The first thing, be positive about who you are. The most important feature of your body is a glowing face; brighten by the most amazing smiles in the world. This is called full-force effect. Nothing beats a confident smile, a peaceful marriage between the mind and the body, affirmative and encouraging, drives away any negative thoughts from your mind and communicates your self-assurances to others around you.
Your attitude about your boobs size is the issue here not the actual size of something so natural and beautiful.
Life is replete with negative people, those who are lacking in self-confidence and are looking for people to initiate into their world of acute unhappiness. The trick is that you must refuse to be initiated. These people never see anything good about other people. They are constantly looking for someone to pick on or infect with their self-destructive virus. Even if you were normal-sized, they would still find something to say about your pair.
The good thing about these negative people is that they help people develop thick skins, needed along life journey. If you were able to manage their opinion to your advantage, you would master the act of self-confidence. Nobody again would be able to get under your skin to make you cry or feel worthless.
When next anyone makes fun of you tell them you are happy at your special pair of gifts and that you have what a lot of women are paying through their noses to have on the surgeon’s table.
Refuse to be intimidated by anyone as well as keep your distance from anybody who is trying to make you feel less than your being.
But if you allow them get under your skin, you risk being at the mercy of the opinions of others about you. These people once they sense their victory, they would always tighten the jaws to break their victim’s remaining resolve.
The tragedy of allowing negative minded people get under your skin is the flipside of confidence; inferiority complex, doubts about your own ability in life and if not well managed it becomes a psychological problem.
Those breasts may look bigger than any of the girls around you now but they would soon become the envy of these same friends who are making fun of you by the time you are a little older than you are now. This is because some clothes look better on full figured women who have the right kind of cleavage to bring out the fitness of the cut.
Also remember that no two women have the same kind of breasts. Even twins don’t have the same kind of breasts. Your breasts are patented to suit your body and well being. So refuse to allow anybody use their jaded idea of what they think you ought to be deprived you of the rewards of being unique. If flat chest women are constantly looking for props to have fuller look, doesn’t that tell you something, most women still think bigger breasts are more in vogue and prettier than small-sized breasts?
On the issue of them not standing erect, they cannot be as erect as those of women with small sizes. Your breasts are only responding to the gravity of nature. They are huge and hence must navigate their own path of comfort. If they stand erect, you won’t be able to tolerate them because they would protrude to cover everything about you up and being more obvious than they are now. Besides, the muscles cannot sustain them that way.
Again, your perception of them standing straight or not comes from what you understand by straight breasts. If you care to look at yours well, they are shaped like pears or paw-paws and not like apples. Fallen breasts are shaped like slippers, very flat with no tissue but sagging skin and tired muscles.
What you should worry about is how you package them to look attractive and well managed. Get your mother to take you to a good bra shop where they would tell you your precise bra size and cup and help you come up with the fits in cuts that are as attractive as smaller bras.
Often, the issue of sagging breasts comes from not knowing the right bra to wear. Unlike women with smaller breasts, you cannot wear a bra that has no good side support or thin-strapped bras. And because you are well endowed, you don’t need padded bras like most women. The only draw back is you have to pay extra for good support bra.
To help you understand why you have bigger breasts than most girls your age, it is pertinent you look around the women in your family. Big breasts are hereditary. You could have inherited yours from your mother or any of your female relations.
Having them share their experiences with you at their ages would also go a long way in helping you handle yours with maturity, dignity and happiness.
The last line to take with you is that God never makes a mistake. He knows you have the ability and confidence to carry what He has given you. So don’t let another person, who wasn’t there on the day God created you to tell you otherwise.
Good luck.
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