Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why Must A Stranger Hate One With Passion?

Dear Agatha,

There is this girl in my hostel who for reasons best known to her hates me with passion. The strangest thing about this whole development is the fact that she and I don't have any form of relationship that would make her hate me with such intensity.

The first time she came into our hostel room, I greeted her but she didn't respond. I thought she didn't hear my greetings, not until I saw the manner she was looking at me. After browbeating me, she hissed.

I was embarrassed by her attitude since she and I have never met let alone engage in any action that would bring about such behaviour. I have, on my own, tried to make peace with her but she insists on being nasty to me and goes about telling people ugly things about me.

Friends have told me to ignore her that she is simply looking for trouble.

I am so confused about all these and need your help on how to react as well as handle this strange behaviour from a stranger I never met until the day she walked into my room.


Dear Gift,

The best thing to do under this situation is to avoid her entirely because there is no telling how deep her hatred for you could be or the extent she could go under the influence of her feelings.

Ignore whatever she does or says to provoke a reaction from you. Remember she is the one who wants a reason to fight you; so don't give her the chance to rubbish you at all.

It is obvious she has a special kind of problem, which could be psychological or pure jealousy of your looks and personality.

You could also be dating someone she is interested in, and for that simple reason, you have become rivals, enemies of the heart. Hence her determination to ensure she drags you in the mud at every opportunity she has.

If you however learn to keep your distance from her, avoid her like a plague and refuse to give recognition to her, she would sooner or later find something else to do with her time.

Such attention-seeking people aren't worth paying attention to.

Good luck.

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